052/052B Class Destroyers


Senior Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Whoa! Guess it was a real mess around here...

As for the 052, I think it makes sense for China to stick to roughly this size ship as its largest surface combatant excluding transports, landing ships, carriers, etc. The contemporary high threat environment is simply too high risk for operating ships much larger than destroyers unless you're at the top of the food chain, i.e. unless you're the US. Every other navy is pretty much in this configuration already.

What do you mean? that doesnt make sense.
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Hmm....? How is operating surface combatants of a higher tonnage than 7000 tonnes "simply too high risk unless you're at the top of the food chain"?. The logic of that escaped me, would you mind clarifying your thought process?

Oops, that was unclear on my part. My spring allergies have been kicking in please pardon any benadryl-induced confusion.

What I mean is that in terms of financial, personnel, and percentage of the fleet cost in case a ship is lost, it makes more sense for a less dominant navy to have more smaller ships rather than fewer larger ones. It is only worth it if the larger ship is correspondingly more capable and survivable relative to the increased costs.

Not exactly by specific tonnage but in general around the typical frigate/destroyer class size, because ships that size with contemporary technology can be capable and well rounded enough that it is the best value for the cost. Larger ships such as cruisers may not be as good of a value especially if a single unit costs more in multiple aspects yet is not more survivable.


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

In a ESF naval base








Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Anyone has video of this? supposed to be the largest naval exercise PLAN has ever conducted. 71 missiles launched.
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Anyone has video of this? supposed to be the largest naval exercise PLAN has ever conducted. 71 missiles launched.


Very impressive exercises. Love that last pic of the detonation. I wonder if it was an actual intercept test, or an automatic detonation...whatever, its impressive.

This is the type of live fire exercises you really like to see...where they are actually testing in real life what they have modeled on the computer simulations. 71 missiles is a very good number...very impressive indeed. Would be GREAT to see videos of this.
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Junior Member
DDG 151 is still under going sea trial, how long will it last?

the second vessel of the second batch, it is not supposed to take so long. I guess sth is not going right. the rumour is that the delay is due to 151 being used for testing modular construction, but if that's the case, it should start with the 150.


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

71 missiles ? ... hard to believe ? any report yet ?

71 missiles is like all missiles carried by ~1.5 fully armed 052C ... really impressive if it is true

71 missiles, let say $300K each .... $21M ... hmmmmm not too bad, isn't it ?

I don't think PLAN is rich enough to do that yet :eek:


Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

71 missiles ? ... hard to believe ? any report yet ?

71 missiles is like all missiles carried by ~1.5 fully armed 052C ... really impressive if it is true

71 missiles, let say $300K each .... $21M ... hmmmmm not too bad, isn't it ?

I don't think PLAN is rich enough to do that yet :eek:

Why is military hardware so damn expensive?! Does it really have to cost that much for a metal tube with electronics and a small rocketengine? I read somewherethat a PAC-3 missile cost a million bucks. AMRAAMS go for ~ $300000.


Senior Member
Re: DDG 151 is still under going sea trial, how long will it last?

the second vessel of the second batch, it is not supposed to take so long. I guess sth is not going right. the rumour is that the delay is due to 151 being used for testing modular construction, but if that's the case, it should start with the 150.

151? i see 171, not 151. Besides, how do you that it is taking long? we still dont have any vídeo to see.