052/052B Class Destroyers


Senior Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

The NSF faces more capable forces than the SSF, so wouldn't it make more sense to place the 052D with the NSF and 052C with SSF?

I agree the trend of always giving better stuff to SSF may change. The fact, CV-16 aircraft carrier is given to NSF instead of SSF raise an eyebrow.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

052D will go to SSF before NSF.

That certainly would be a possibility and I did of that, joining the 170 and 171 as 172 and 173 is not out of the question

And after all if two more Type 052D are launched this year they will spend 2014 fitting out and commissioned in 2015 still in time for CV-16, but D1 followed up fast after C6, there was no break, it was a fast schedule, the launch was quick, we didn't see a C7 and C8 as kind of expected and then CV-16 goes to NSF, so it kind of makes me think the fast delivery of D1 and D2 are likely to co-inside with the CV-16

If we seen C7 and C8 I would say yeah they are 172 and 173 for SSF, but since it's D1 and D2 I say it's NSF

Plus CV-16 carrier strike groups need time to use manoeuvring doctrines working in the context of a entire carrier group, with DDG and FFG trying out all sorts of formations the quicker they start that the quicker they integrate

Either way with serial production in full swing no fleet will have to wait long for thier new DDG


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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

That certainly would be a possibility and I did of that, joining the 170 and 171 as 172 and 173 is not out of the question

And after all if two more Type 052D are launched this year they will spend 2014 fitting out and commissioned in 2015 still in time for CV-16, but D1 followed up fast after C6, there was no break, it was a fast schedule, the launch was quick, we didn't see a C7 and C8 as kind of expected and then CV-16 goes to NSF, so it kind of makes me think the fast delivery of D1 and D2 are likely to co-inside with the CV-16

If we seen C7 and C8 I would say yeah they are 172 and 173 for SSF, but since it's D1 and D2 I say it's NSF

Plus CV-16 carrier strike groups need time to use manoeuvring doctrines working in the context of a entire carrier group, with DDG and FFG trying out all sorts of formations the quicker they start that the quicker they integrate

Either way with serial production in full swing no fleet will have to wait long for thier new DDG

I'm just telling you this is what all the sources in China is saying. In the long run, SSF is going to split off to one that guards South China Sea and one that's used for blue water mission. The first domestic carrier is going there. You want your premier ships there first. In its current set up, NSF is trapped inside yellow sea. Due to its surroundings, it has to be more of a defensive fleet.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Well that's the beauty of PLAN because no one really knows what to expect next, I'd rather like to use a logical way to see things rather than heresy, that's not to say I don't believe what you say

But it was ESF that's getting all 4 Type 052Cs, they didnt bother to compete the DDG Flotilla in SSF first so it obviously isn't that premier, plus the nuclear fleet is in NSF hardly defensive

As far as i see it Liaoning is the flagship, a command and control platform and leads the navy, designed and equipped for war with its outfitting, and it went to NSF


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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Well that's the beauty of PLAN because no one really knows what to expect next, I'd rather like to use a logical way to see things rather than heresy, that's not to say I don't believe what you say

But it was ESF that's getting all 4 Type 052Cs, they didnt bother to compete the DDG Flotilla in SSF first so it obviously isn't that premier, plus the nuclear fleet is in NSF hardly defensive

As far as i see it Liaoning is the flagship, a command and control platform and leads the navy, designed and equipped for war with its outfitting, and it went to NSF

They have one flotilla of 052B/Cs. It's like what ESF has with 525, 526, 529, 530. I mean, that should be pretty obvious these are complete flotilla, right?

Going forward now that PLAN has become more of a blue water navy, SSF is going to basically become a fleet with a blue water component and SCS patrol component. ESF is still important because of its proximity to Taiwan and Diaoyu island. The problem for NSF is that it was historically PLAN's premier fleet, but then as PLAN evolves, it becomes the least relevant due to the fact it's trapped by South Korea and Japan. I would not be surprised if in a few years, CV-16 gets re-assigned to South China Sea.


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer




re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

..... The problem for NSF is that it was historically PLAN's premier fleet, but then as PLAN evolves, it becomes the least relevant due to the fact it's trapped by South Korea and Japan. I would not be surprised if in a few years, CV-16 gets re-assigned to South China Sea.

I think it's likely CV-16 will remain assigned to NSF if the plan is for indigenous carriers to be coming online in a few years. By then, CV-16 will be the least capable carrier. If NSF is losing it's status compared to ESF and SSF, then it makes sense to keep the lesser capable carrier assigned to NSF.


Senior Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I agree with that, only that I would say that NSF is regaining some of the status it had lost.

They would not build a completely new carrier homeport (for potentially two carriers) if they were planning eventuallly to transfer to LIAONING to SSF. SSF will get new-built carriers.

I still think it was an early indication that they decided to assign four 054A to NSF’s 1 Destroyer Flotilla. It had long been known that NSF was getting two (546, 547), the two additional frigates (538, 550) were taken from ESF’s allotment, leaving 6 Destroyer Flotilla to soldier on with just two (548, 549) plus 053H3. This despite that fact that it is 6 Destroyer Flotilla that is getting the four new 052C’s (150-153).

Reportedly, NSF is also getting four 052D’s (117-120), which will perhaps all be built by Dalian.