re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer
Well, my own personal feeling is that, while the PLAN, and particularly PLAN fans, want this type of vessel badly, and their may be some initial specifications out there for such a vessel in the future...and they may be very real at this stage, like the US CGX design...that something like this will not be coming out in the near furutre.
Becuase the PLAN has just produced several more of their now proven Type 052C design which have not even been completely outfitted or commissione yet, and particularly because they have just launched their first, much improved iteration on that design, the Type 052D which had not been outfitted or put to sea and includes new technology for the PLAN which has not even been to sea and tested in a real environment yet. I believe the PLAN is comfortable with their prospets with the Type 052D, they are building a second with 3-4 more at least in line. But I also I believe they will wait until they see how these new radars and new VLLS design work in sea...before they ever start on the larger cruiser sized project.
Excellent point! However, I think it is still entirely possible that in this time, the PLAN might commission a pair of the new 055 cruisers fairly soon.
The reasoning for this is fourfold.
First, I think with all the PARs they have been building for the 052C/D, the Liaoning and all their AWACS, the Chinese are fairly confident that they have a good grasp of the technology. The PARs on the 052D are an evolution on the 052C's radars rather than a revolutionary change. The same goes for all the other weapons and technology.
In addition, let us not forget that they haven't just strapped all this new kit onto a destroyer straight from the lab, every new system or weapon we see on the 052D gas already been extensively tested on the PLAN's test ships and certified before the 052D design was finalized and construction completed.
Second, I think that while externally, the second batch of 052Cs look pretty much exactly like the original pair, there would have been significant internal changes done to the layout and systems fit, which would just represent improvements in technology since the first pair were built, and also incorporating any lessons learnt from their operation and especially long range deployments to Aden.
The large number of 052C+ and the speed that the 052D came out would suggest that the PLAN is fairly pleased and confident with the original design and any refinements, and also that the 052D may not be that far removed from the 052C+, despite all the obvious external differences. It would not surprise me much if when you discount the obvious stuff like the VLS and PARs, the 052C+ has more in common with the 052Ds than the original 052Cs. All of this reduces the risk factor in the 052D, as well as on the 055 if it uses mainly the same systems. That is probably why the first batch of 052Ds is 4 ships rather than the traditional 2 for test batches.
Third, I believe that the new cruisers will feature mostly the same weapons and sensors we have seen on the 052D, but on a bigger platform with more room for stuff. The biggest risk factor for the 055 design would not be the weapons or sensors, but rather with the platform itself.
The Chinese have never designed and built cruisers before, and short of actually doing it and putting the end product to the test, there isn't really another way, so why wait? The sooner they put a cruiser sized ship together and start operating it and getting feedback, the sooner they can learn from any shortcomings or mistakes and refine their technique to design better ships.
Four, timing is important. With the Liaoning handed over and construction of China's first indigenous carriers to start any time now, the PLAN needs to consider the formation and disposition of carrier battle groups, and cruisers would be pretty high on their shopping list. All of these projects are inter-connected, and the PLAN is not going to put off establishing a minimal carrier capacity of 2-3 carriers for a few years while they perfect a cruiser design. Having a slightly flawed cruiser is better than not having any at all. As already pointed out, since the main risk factor in going up to cruiser weight is the hull design, waiting a few years for the weapons and electronics to be perfected is not really going to mitigate that risk at all, so they might as well just get stuck in ASAP.
Another thing to consider with timing is the fact that warship contracts is a form of stimulus package for Chinese shipbuilders since commercial orders have dropped significantly during the world recession. Without big naval orders, the shipyards might struggle to make ends meet in a few years if the global economy does not pick up. If the shipyards are forced to cut capacity or workforce to adjust to the lean times, in a few years, the shipyards might actually be in a worse position to undertake a cruiser design.
The fall in civilian orders also means the PLAN can get their orders fulfilled far faster, almost certainly cheaper, and maybe even done to better specs/quality than if the shipyards had years worth of ships on the order books, because the shipyards would have excess capacity and manpower to start work right away, and maybe build more ships at the same time, and they might also put their best people on the job to keep their skills sharp, whereas before, those people might have been working on more lucrative civilian orders instead.
I expect the VLS will be hot launched and be able to carry multiple missile types.
I have to disagree on the hot launched part. With all the work they have done on the new CCL VLS, I really cannot see the PLAN starting over and introducing a 3rd type of VLS to their fleet at this stage. The CCL is the new universal VLS for the PLAN, and it's cold launched, but it should still be able to handle some hot launched missiles, especially if they are small.
As to whtether they will be up to the level of cooperative engagement (CE) the US now enjoys is yet to be seen. In addition, as to whether they have the multiple layers of network centric capabilities (ie. Space (sats), High atlitude maritime patrol aircraft, etc.) is also yet to be seen. Sounds like they several things the US is excelling in and holds a distinct advanatge in and threw them into the specs simply because they would like to have them. And maybe they will have them, but the US has been developing all of the infrastructure to make that possible for the last 20+ years and there are no shortcut to getting that all put together, working and in place so you truly can use that capability almost anywhere on earth.
With all due respect, we how many times have we heard the same 'there is no easy way/shortcut' line only for the Chinese to smash all expectations?
CE and network centric warfare works on the same principle as networking and high-end routers, and China is one of the biggest players in the wireless market with kit that can rival anything on the market made by western firms.
Obviously military grade datalinks and battlespace networks are not the same as civilian kit, but the basic principles and technologies do not change fundamentally, and I think this is a field that the Chinese will catch up far faster than many in the west would expect.
Already we are seeing large network-centric exercises involving PLA, PLAAF and PLAN assets, often working together. In fact, some of the key platforms and systems the PLA is fielding, like the 022 FACs and the vast array of new UAVs rely on battlefield networks or were designed specifically to help establish it.