re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer
i have serious doubts that two carriers will be built at once, no matter what could be read so far. It just isnt prudent to do that with a new class, especially for someone like china who is learning the carrier making business. It seems more likely we will see a single carrier, perhaps even fully built, tested at sea, and then we will see another one of the same design...
Well, I agree that the more prudent from our standpoint would be to do them separately...but here's two points.
1) The PLAN had never built an AEGIS-like DDG before either, yet the first two were built simultaneously.
2) The UK is building two 65,000 ton carriers simultaneously now...and they have never built a large carrier like this either, and it has been over 60 years sent the built a conventional carrier at all so the manufacturing is new to them.
Finally, if they can pull it off, there are economic plusses to building two together.
So, while I too doubt they will, it would not be unprecedented, nor that risky if they are truly committed to the program and intend to jump start it and really kick it in the pants like they did for the Type 052C...and the 051B and 051C for that matter. Same was apparently true for their Type 093 SSN...though we do not have the pics for that.
It would also be very impressive and send a strong political MSG too.