asif iqbal
Lieutenant General
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer
Fact that you seem you think that more missiles means better ship sums up ur knowledge on the subject, the rest of your post is just speculation
Maybe you want to show me where they said anything to the effect that they would rather have a Daring than a Burke or Ticonderoga. Make my day.
So can a Burke or a Ticonderoga, and they could do it better. Burkes have up to 96 VLS cells, Ticos up to 128. This underestimates the true number of missiles due to quad-packing of ESSM's. These VLS cells contain an assortment of all-up rounds for AAW, ASW, ABM, and strike that the Daring's SYLVER in its wildest fantasies could not hope to match, with its pitiful 48 cells for single-packed Aster 15 and Aster 30 AAW missiles. SM-2MR Block IIIB (the current standard) and Block IV outclasses the Aster 30 and ESSM outclasses the Aster 15. The Aster 30's active terminal homing is mostly negated by the SM-2's need for only brief terminal illumination as well as Block IIIB's addition of an infrared seeker. The SM-3's ABM performance outclasses that of the Aster 30. When the ERAM/SM-6 gets put into more ships, it will massively outclass the Aster 30. VLA has no equivalent in the Daring. The SPY-1/Aegis/CEC combo is mature and has gone through numerous iterations while the SAMPSON AESA is untested and is also just a rotating dual-planar radar, which introduces the possibility of a single-point failure (the rotating mechanism) which the Burkes and Ticos do not have. It is not at all clear to the common person whether PAAMS is as sophisticated or as comprehensive as Aegis, or whether the RN's data networking capabilities have the degree of integration that CEC provides the USN. The Daring's only possible advantage over the Burke and the Tico is its ballistic missile detection capability. However, that is already in the process of being rectified with the Aegis BMD upgrade currently spreading through all the ships during refits. I could easily go on and on into more minutiae, but you should probably review the capabilities of these USN ships again before you get too excited about the Daring class.
Fact that you seem you think that more missiles means better ship sums up ur knowledge on the subject, the rest of your post is just speculation