Z-20 (all variants) thread


Junior Member
According to the central TV report, both the main rotor and the tail rotor has low noise design. It was specifically mentioned that the tail rotor was of the "scissors" type asymmetric design to reduce noise. Maybe the poster of the first pictures changed the configuration himself to avoid an invitation for tea?

Unless they're reporting from an official source related to the Z-20 project, CCTV is not any more accurate than forums on the internet.


Tyrant King
Hmmm. Not sure why such a minor change would save him or her from a vacation to the Chinese version of Labuyanaka but the angle on the horizontal blades of the tail rotor does look a bit droopy.

ps. Superdog now super cat? Please lets keep the peace guy we don't need to fight like cats and dogs....

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Y20 is initially designed at onset to have two versions, a special-missions/tanker version where a rear cargo door is deleted to save weight,


a airlifter version with a rear ramp door.

We all know that but my point is that modifications can be made afterwards and they always start from somewhere


It sure will be interesting to see what Sikorsky choose to do, if anything.

I'm sure China would have gladly paid Sikorsky for blackhawks up front if not for the embargo

I'm afraid you'll be disappointed because Sikorsky will do nothing, nor they will agree it's a cloned Blackhawk. Remember when China first applied DSI on the JF-17?


Lieutenant General
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I'm afraid you'll be disappointed because Sikorsky will do nothing, nor they will agree it's a cloned Blackhawk. Remember when China first applied DSI on the JF-17?

? Are you suggesting DSI is copied from F-35?

Because not only has there been nothing to suggest that, but even if it were the case, you can't exactly patent a braid category of inlet geometry... It's like patenting stealth shaping or something.


Senior Member
I'm afraid you'll be disappointed because Sikorsky will do nothing, nor they will agree it's a cloned Blackhawk. Remember when China first applied DSI on the JF-17?

DSI was a US patent not a international patent.

afaik LM didnt file a patent for DSI in china.

Patent for these specific aerospace technology are next to useless anyways. its done more for career advancement with in the aerospace company than actually protect IP. actually people are discouraged to patent actual technology on a actual product, only a variation of an idea, so that what was used for real product applications would not be leaked.

Actually, US patent office does not have the budget or the means to test if whatever in the patent actually works. ts not going to contract its own flight test to varify that, yes, DSI is actually working. it's only assessing the validity of the idea. wether the idea actually works is anyone's guess.

also you can't really recreate these technology from patent. Whats involved in term of research and technology you can't copy from a patent.


even if China has a UH-60/S-70 to copy from. it would be next to impossible to do a copy. rather than just take the general layout and shape and design their own structures, systems, and aero, under that lay out.

the most important system on a rotor craft. the rotor/turboshaft engine/gearbox complex has clear linear-age from Eurocopter's technology.

Its safe to say Eurocopter has more grounds to be concerned than Sikorsky.


? Are you suggesting DSI is copied from F-35?

Because not only has there been nothing to suggest that, but even if it were the case, you can't exactly patent a braid category of inlet geometry... It's like patenting stealth shaping or something.

That the reason why I said Sikorsky will not do anything.


That the reason why I said Sikorsky will not do anything.

Or, like the case with MP5 SMG series, the general period covered by the IP protection already run out and that's why many knockoffs prop up now here and there, but the H&K do nothing about it, except they switch to promote the newer UMP series.

The similar deal could be so with this Z-20 probably. Or, if and when the Chinese officals gives the project a news special coverage and does show the design is "similar to a layman, but enough difference to be considered a different make", then Sikorsky can't do anything as well, even when China brings the Z-20 to venture into export markets usually won't see China competing there.


Tyrant King
Sikorsky has it's self begun moving away from Blackhawk. Columbia for example just bought a whole bunch of Black hawks but they were S70i from Poland. And Polish parts are now being used on American Blackhawks. With the Defiant, and Raider for JMR/FVL and the knowledge that the DOD will be closing its conventional rotary wing orders in 2020 as they reorganize for young more capable platforms it seems likely that the now 30+year old Blackhawk is a product that is falling from the line and being sold off. The last of the American hawks will likely be updated to H60M and the kept until JMR-M is ready.


First video reports on the Z-20. All this investments in the transport section of the PLA comes in the wake of the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake. They have invested a lot since then the Y-20, Y-9, buying of Mi-17 the buying of second hand IL-76 and now the Z-20. And shouldn't the Z-10 and Z-20 threads be in the army section since they are the ones using it and not the air force.


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