So the Z-19 doesn't have a minigun or cannon of any sort? that's a tad dissapointing.
The picture that was PSed was the Japanese OH-1. But yes neither OH-1 or Z-19 have mounted cannons. No surprise given their roles.
So the Z-19 doesn't have a minigun or cannon of any sort? that's a tad dissapointing.
Four possibilities I see,
One the Z19 is more conservative in that it is in essence a massively modified Z9. This means the builder maybe more confident about integrating the MMR but eventually they will be retrofit.
Two, they are planning a doctrine that could be called hounds and hunters where Z19 probes ahead and uses its Data link to send targeting information to Z10s. Z19 being the hounds Z10s being the hunters.
three, the Z10 has a MMR version but security is better.
Four they will hold of on Z10 MMR waiting for the heavyweight attack helicopter program instead.
I think the concept of using a hound-hunter type deployment is obsolete ever since the Apache Longbow came along. There's simply no reason to risk more asset when the mission can be fulfilled by Z-10s. My money is on the Z-10 having an MMR as well. With that said, there's no reason the Z-19 shouldn't have it as well, and we see that indeed they do.