I did dude. It seems like everyone is confused. Z-10, WZ-10, or is it a WZ-15 the articles quoted are talking about? Then someone tosses in the idea that it started off a Kamov design. Lots of confusion, so being a reasonably experieced hand in helos I am tossing my two cents in. The Sinodefence page on the helo even has it powered by PT-6's. Do you buy that claim? Honestly?
The rotor of the WZ-10 looks to me to be French. I am not confusing this helo with any Chinese civil helo as some may be. I am looking at the few decent photo's of the WZ-10 gunship, and those of the EC-725 and judging them to share some genetics. Blade shape is right, and from the distant photos of the blade root it looks like a modern elastomeric design like Starflex, not what Mil uses ( and I have crawled all over Kamovs and the big Mi-26 ). Regarding the engines, after the stink with the US State Dept I very much doubt there will be PT-6's no matter what Sinodefence says. My guess is a Chinese made engine. Sorry my comments offended, it was not my intention. Mahalo bro.