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Banned Idiot
What I mean is that same ethnic groups may be more inclined to seek diplomatic or peaceful means than 2 groups of different backgrounds. Reasons being that groups of same backgrounds have more in common will share also greater familiarity.

As for the rest, I do think the Western backing have a strong influence. Weapons, for example, would have been one major thing. Without the West, the Israelis won't be flying F-15Is and etc.

Doubt it, how do you explain North and South Koreans? And the Chinese was killing each other with great enthusiasm during the civil war not so long ago.

Without West's backing, they would not survive beyond the year 1960. But since West did help them then we have today's situation because of Israel's own policies, so that make the whole point moot, but if today if they wants, they can single handled destroy the whole Middle East military.
Doubt it, how do you explain North and South Koreans? And the Chinese was killing each other with great enthusiasm during the civil war not so long ago.

Without West's backing, they would not survive beyond the year 1960. But since West did help them then we have today's situation because of Israel's own policies, so that make the whole point moot, but if today if they wants, they can single handled destroy the whole Middle East military.

The Koreans still considered each other as their brothers throughout the decades. My Korean friend would tell me how they would cheer for North Korea during FIFA'10. Also to them it's always been about reunification, and SK hasn't stopped supply aid. They hate and fear each other, but that's only politically. They don't have the same types of blood feud as the Israelis and the Palestinians. The same went to the Chinese.

As lean and mean as the IDF are, they can only be Germany of WWII. I don't see them being capable of destroying all the Arab states and holding them for long, especially the Muslim world. War fatigue, limited logistics and resources, manpower, will all roll them back very quick, and when that happens the retaliation won't be friendly
Aren't they both Semitic people?

"Genetic analysis suggests that a majority of the Muslims of Palestine, inclusive of Arab citizens of Israel, are descendants of Christians, Jews and other earlier inhabitants of the southern Levant whose core reaches back to prehistoric times. A study of high-resolution haplotypes demonstrated that a substantial portion of Y chromosomes of Israeli Jews (70%) and of Palestinian Muslim Arabs (82%) belonged to the same chromosome pool"

Perhaps they are. Thank you for the interesting information. Or perhaps I should say culturally they are different?

But amongst all things, the best way to defuse conflict is look at what we have in common before how we're different.


Junior Member
Brunei Gets ASEAN Chair ...

Rabiatul Kamit
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

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BRUNEI took over the ASEAN chairmanship for 2013 from Cambodia today backed with full support from its counterparts. The symbolic handover ceremony was held at the Peace Palace in Phnom Penh during the culmination of the 21st ASEAN Summit and related summits.


For those who reads Khmer:

លោក ខៀវ កាញារីទ្ធ៖ គណៈប្រតិភូចិន និងអាមេរិក ដណ្តើមគ្នាចេញមុន
Tuesday, 20 November 2012 17:00 ដោយៈ ដើមអម្ពិល (DAP)-ID: 009
ភ្នំពេញ៖ អ្នកនាំពាក្យរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលកម្ពុជា បានថ្លែងនៅលើបណ្តាញសង្គមហ្វ៊េសប៊ុក របស់លោកនៅល្ងាចថ្ងៃ អង្គារ ទី២០ ខែវិច្ឆិកា ឆ្នាំ២០១២នេះថា គណៈប្រតិភូជាន់ខ្ពស់សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក និងចិន បានដណ្តើមគ្នាចេញពី ព្រលានយន្តហោះអន្តរជាតិភ្នំពេញ ហើយអាមេរិកបានទាញយន្តហោះរបស់ខ្លួនមកពាំង ដោយមិនអនុញ្ញាតឲ្យ ចិនចេញមុននោះទេ។

លោករដ្ឋមន្រ្តីក្រសួងព័ត៌មាន ខៀវ កាញារីទ្ធ បានសរសេរថា «គណ:ប្រតិភូចិន និងអាមេរិកដណ្តើមចេញមុន ។ នៅពេលនេះអាមេរិចអូសយន្តហោះ គាត់មកដាក់ពាំងយន្តហោះចិនតែម្តង»។

នៅល្ងាចថ្ងៃអង្គារ ដដែលនេះ ប្រមុខរដ្ឋ និងរដ្ឋាភិបាលនៃប្រទេសជាសមាជិកអាស៊ាន និងប្រទេសពាក់ព័ន្ធមួយចំនួនទៀត ដូចជាជប៉ុន កូរ៉េ អូស្ត្រាលី ឥណ្ឌា... បាននាំគ្នាចេញដំណើរជាបណ្តើរៗហើយ បន្ទាប់ពីបញ្ចប់នូវកិច្ចប្រជុំរបស់ខ្លួន ដោយជោគជ័យ ដែលមានកម្ពុជាជាម្ចាស់នោះ៕

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Cambodia government spokesman, Mr. Khiev Kanharith wrote on his Facebook that the American and Chinese delegation were competing each other to depart from Phnom Penh airport first. He wrote "The Chinese and American delegation were scrambling to get off from Phnom Penh airport. Now the American tow their aircraft to block the Chinese's aircraft"

Oh my god, I know they are competing each other in ASEAN but what's the point to do so? Wanna to be ridiculed by the poor Cambodian?
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Banned Idiot
The Koreans still considered each other as their brothers throughout the decades. My Korean friend would tell me how they would cheer for North Korea during FIFA'10. Also to them it's always been about reunification, and SK hasn't stopped supply aid. They hate and fear each other, but that's only politically. They don't have the same types of blood feud as the Israelis and the Palestinians. The same went to the Chinese.

As lean and mean as the IDF are, they can only be Germany of WWII. I don't see them being capable of destroying all the Arab states and holding them for long, especially the Muslim world. War fatigue, limited logistics and resources, manpower, will all roll them back very quick, and when that happens the retaliation won't be friendly

As Lion have said Israel and Palestinians shares very similar genetic background. I don't know what are you arguing here... are you trying to say it is ok for people to fight and kill each other as close as they think they are not the same? Then that question is how close are you willing to take that? Because my and my neighbors are different, so does that give me the excuse? Or how far are you want to take that? Because there are trillions of stars in the universe and each of have plants and chances of alien life out there is very high, so that in sense, humanity itself is a very precious bond, so in a sense all have same background.

Fact is, you should NOT be making excuse for Israel for their uncompromising measures for the past 70 years, they were the stronger party and they made a conscious decision to keep suppress the weak when they had every opportunity to transform their relationship like China did. Maybe it is done out of sense of self superiority/racism or nationality like you said. But in the end, they have failed to do what was necessary while Chinese did what was necessary, China made a very conscious effort into outreach to Taiwan to bring them closer, this is also something not to be dismissed easily. And no
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judging by this, they are not getting along well at all despite your personal anecdote evidence.

As for Israel unable to conquer rest of middle east... I have two words for you. "200 nukes"


Banned Idiot
For those who reads Khmer:

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Cambodia government spokesman, Mr. Khiev Kanharith wrote on his Facebook that the American and Chinese delegation were competing each other to depart from Phnom Penh airport first. He wrote "The Chinese and American delegation were scrambling to get off from Phnom Penh airport. Now the American tow their aircraft to block the Chinese's aircraft"

Oh my god, I know they are competing each other in ASEAN but what's the point to do so? Wanna to be ridiculed by the poor Cambodian?

That is freaking hilarious, this belong in a cartoon.
As Lion have said Israel and Palestinians shares very similar genetic background. I don't know what are you arguing here... are you trying to say it is ok for people to fight and kill each other as close as they think they are not the same? Then that question is how close are you willing to take that? Because my and my neighbors are different, so does that give me the excuse? Or how far are you want to take that? Because there are trillions of stars in the universe and each of have plants and chances of alien life out there is very high, so that in sense, humanity itself is a very precious bond, so in a sense all have same background.

Fact is, you should NOT be making excuse for Israel for their uncompromising measures for the past 70 years, they were the stronger party and they made a conscious decision to keep suppress the weak when they had every opportunity to transform their relationship like China did. Maybe it is done out of sense of self superiority/racism or nationality like you said. But in the end, they have failed to do what was necessary while Chinese did what was necessary, China made a very conscious effort into outreach to Taiwan to bring them closer, this is also something not to be dismissed easily. And no
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judging by this, they are not getting along well at all despite your personal anecdote evidence.

As for Israel unable to conquer rest of middle east... I have two words for you. "200 nukes"

Seriously what's with you guys and taking my words out of context. It's getting very frustrating. Maybe next time you say something and I accuse you of something else I fabricate completely, then let's see how you feel.

All I'm saying all along is that in any given conflict, any opposing parties with more common cultural background and similarities are quicker to find consensus and agreements, and one of the ways to start bridging caps and reduce conflicts is by observing what they have and look for in common, before contending the differences. That is ALL I have been saying along; just stating one of a reasons from social psychological and OB perspectives and using comparison methods to relate to how and why the Chinese and the Koreans might have seen more successes than the Israeli-Palestinians.There's numerous social psychological, sociological factors at play that influences everything, including collectivist cultures' ways of conflict resolution. All these are just humble humanity scientific analysis. That's all I'm saying; I NEVER even once stated or justified that they are correct. When the hell did I even say anything about what they are doing is correct? I'm just taking the situation apart and examining possible factors, and it's called case study. I had a condemning attitude towards the Israelis for violating war conventions and ethnically cleansing the Palestinians all along, so get off your computer and go for a walk if you're still gonna accuse me of all these stuffs.

I'm not very interested in arguing with you, especially when it's not even a stance I represent myself in the first place.

If you still have trouble comprehending, I seriously urge you to get a grip and keep your comments to yourself because the next time you start accusing me of something I wasn't even stating, I'd just simply ignore you.


Seriously what's with you guys and taking my words out of context. It's getting very frustrating. Maybe next time you say something and I accuse you of something else I fabricate completely, then let's see how you feel.

All I'm saying all along is that in any given conflict, any opposing parties with more common cultural background and similarities are quicker to find consensus and agreements, and one of the ways to start bridging caps and reduce conflicts is by observing what they have and look for in common, before contending the differences. That is ALL I have been saying along; just stating one of a reasons from social psychological and OB perspectives and using comparison methods to relate to how and why the Chinese and the Koreans might have seen more successes than the Israeli-Palestinians.There's numerous social psychological, sociological factors at play that influences everything, including collectivist cultures' ways of conflict resolution. All these are just humble humanity scientific analysis. That's all I'm saying; I NEVER even once stated or justified that they are correct. When the hell did I even say anything about what they are doing is correct? I'm just taking the situation apart and examining possible factors, and it's called case study. I had a condemning attitude towards the Israelis for violating war conventions and ethnically cleansing the Palestinians all along, so get off your computer and go for a walk if you're still gonna accuse me of all these stuffs.

I'm not very interested in arguing with you, especially when it's not even a stance I represent myself in the first place.

If you still have trouble comprehending, I seriously urge you to get a grip and keep your comments to yourself because the next time you start accusing me of something I wasn't even stating, I'd just simply ignore you.

You guys are arguing but missing the MOST important element of all. The 500 ibs gorilla in the background called RELIGION!
As to the Palestinian cause what is more depressing is the Arabs absolutely do not care about them. They are merely using the Palestinian plight as a crutch and pawn in supressing Israel.

Also you absolutely cannot compare the dynamics and relationship between Jews/Palestinians with China/Taiwan or SK/SK. Their respective situation is not even close in any way shape or form to even form any type of hypothesis.
You guys are arguing but missing the MOST important element of all. The 500 ibs gorilla in the background called RELIGION!
As to the Palestinian cause what is more depressing is the Arabs absolutely do not care about them. They are merely using the Palestinian plight as a crutch and pawn in supressing Israel.

Also you absolutely cannot compare the dynamics and relationship between Jews/Palestinians with China/Taiwan or SK/SK. Their respective situation is not even close in any way shape or form to even form any type of hypothesis.

You totally nailed exactly what I've been trying to say. That's probably the second biggest and most important thing. (that's also one of the biggest cultural gaps between the two)

If you ask any Arab or Muslims on how they see the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the odds are, they'll say religion and their land unfairly taken away from them as the biggest source of anger.

I also really agree with you about the Arab world not caring about the Palestinians as much as they could've, but most of them chose to maintain diplomatic connections with the US and as well they have other concerns such as Iran, so as long as what's happening next door doesn't really spill into their side, they won't be care too much.
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