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Only the most self-deluded politician can believe that any weapon sent to the Syrian opposition won't find its way into the hands of al-Qaeda and co.

Given that, how can we explain these repeated push to provide weapons to the Syrian rebels?

Isn't this a pretty clear evidence that these politicians are more interested in enriching their defense contractors than in ensuring the safety of their citizens and their soldiers?

This is why I vehemently oppose Se McCain in his push to arm the Free Syrian Army. There will be not good that comes out of this effort. A lot of the members of this rag tag force are hardcore Islamists and Al Queda types and will most definitely turn these weapons on the US or other Western powers in the future!
Mark my words.


Lieutenant General
If that is indeed the case than I think it would seem even more strange in that Xi would accept and make an actual state visit on the invitation of just a city mayor.
It's like the mayor or equivalent of Shanghai etc invites Obama and he goes.

Not really since Villaraigosa visited China when he gave the invitation to Xi and on top of that he's about leave the Mayor's office. Xi did go out of the way last year to visit the small town in Iowa who hosted him when he was low level communist party official back in 1985.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
I wish Xi would vsist Iowa. He's an acquaintance of our Governor Terry E. Branstad .

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Gov. Terry E. Branstad and Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds today congratulated Xi Jinping on becoming China’s new president.

Branstad noted Iowa’s long-standing history with President Xi, from his first visit to Iowa in 1985.

“Iowa is fortunate to have a strong, friendly relationship with China’s new president,” said Branstad. “When he was in Iowa last year, Xi Jinping told me he still remembers the families he stayed with in Iowa, and how much he appreciated the friendliness and hospitality that was shown to his entire delegation during their trip to Iowa. He has made a very good impression with the people he has met here in this state, both in 1985 during his initial visit, as well as his visit to our state for the reunion last year. We enjoyed hosting him at a state dinner here, and I was very impressed how he went off his script to describe his first visit to Iowa and the people he had met here. We are very impressed with his leadership. We think he will be someone who is very good to work with and it is an opportunity for us to build better relationships between the United States of America and China. I was honored to be hosted by Xi Jinping at a reunion with his Iowa friends in Beijing last spring. I look forward to visiting President Xi very soon, and continuing our great relationship.”

Reynolds says she looks forward to the unlimited growth potential with the world’s largest country.

“Whether it is our agricultural exports, or China’s growing need for financial services, Iowa is poised for significant growth over the next decade thanks to our strong relationship with President Xi,” said Reynolds. “The governor and I have both had the opportunity to meet with President Xi and other high ranking officials as we led trade missions throughout China. When you compare China with where it was just two decades ago, the change is substantial. The standard of living for people has improved exponentially. I think all of this is very positive and it is evident that as China improves economic opportunities for its people, Iowa will have even more customers on the world stage.”

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
My condolences go out to those family members and friends of these Houston Firemen.

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Anne Sullivan was a gifted athlete filled with energy who came out of high school with a focus on being a firefighter. But about a month after graduating from the Houston Fire Department Academy, the 24-year-old was among four firefighters who died while searching for people they thought might be trapped in a blazing Houston motel and restaurant.

"She had a lot of energy and had her heart set at that," her father, Jack Sullivan, told The Associated Press on Saturday.

Also killed in the collapse during the Friday afternoon fire at the Southwest Inn were: Capt. Matthew Renaud, 35, who had been with department for 11½ years; Engineer Operator Robert Bebee, 41, who joined the department almost 12 years ago; and Firefighter Robert Garner, 29, who joined the department 2½ years ago.

The Houston Fire Department said 14 firefighters were taken to the hospital Friday. One remained in critical condition on Saturday and another underwent surgery. The rest were in stable condition and several have been released from the hospital.

The fire broke out just after noon at a restaurant connected to the Southwest Inn along a busy freeway and quickly spread to the section of the building housing the motel. About 150 firefighters responded and were able to get it under control within about two hours.

The fire was the deadliest in the 118-year history of the department.

Fire Capt. Ruy Lozano said at a news conference Saturday that firefighters were turning to each other and their families as they grieved their colleagues.

"Anytime one of your brothers or sisters are affected, it's not just that, it's also a reminder of the inherent danger of this profession. It reminds you. It reminds your family," said Lozano, who also said that a memorial for the firefighters is tentatively set for Wednesday.

Fire officials said they took a high risk in aggressively fighting the fire because they believed people were inside the motel. When a portion of the building collapsed, the firefighters were trapped.

"It was an occupied structure, during business hours. There was every indication to think there was a life to be saved," Lozano said.

Anne Sullivan, a soccer player and cross country runner in high school, joined the Wharton County Junior College Fire Academy after graduation. She graduated from the Houston Fire Department Academy in April.

Jack Sullivan said he was on his way home from work Friday when he heard about the fire and realized it was in his daughter's area.

"I'm thinking she could be involved, but maybe not," he said.

About 10 minutes later he heard that four firefighters had died in the blaze and began crying in his car. As he approached his house, he saw an emergency vehicle parked outside and knew his daughter was among those who had died.

"I knew right that instant," Sullivan said.

He said that while he'd tried to sway his daughter into a less dangerous line of work — such as an EMT — he knew that her heart was set on being a firefighter. At 5-foot-2, she had the "grit and determination" to realize her dream, he said.

"There was no stopping her," Sullivan said.

Jerry Veuleman, who raised Garner since he was 14 years old, told the Houston Chronicle that Garner was proud of his work and had set his sights on becoming a firefighter after leaving the military.

"'Use your training. Don't be a hero. God will look after you,'" Veuleman recalled telling him. "God chose it was time to take Robert and the other firefighters. We are sorry, but we are also blessed."

The Houston Fire Department Arson Division is taking the lead in the investigation of the fire, with assistance from the State Fire Marshal's Office, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the Houston Police Department.


I wish Xi would vsist Iowa. He's an acquaintance of our Governor Terry E. Branstad .

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He has visited Iowa twice. Once as a nobody in 1985 and another in 2011 I think as a vice premier. People in Iowa seem to like him because he was a farmer before I think and he brought a lot of business to the state.


bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
He has visited Iowa twice. Once as a nobody in 1985 and another in 2011 I think as a vice premier. People in Iowa seem to like him because he was a farmer before I think and he brought a lot of business to the state.


I remember him being here in 2011.. Did not make it to Cedar Rapids. I was on Diego Garcia in 1985 and called California home.


Junior Member
Unless we are talking about a full blown APC, an armoured car would not have made much difference in this scenario.

Bulletproof cars are not really immune to bullets, and if enough sustained fire is directed at them, even the most heavily modified armoured cars will turn into death traps. Armoured cars give their occupants time to get away from an ambush with its occupants intact, that is all.

If the convoy was trapped in a bottlenet with no way for the vehicles to get past the felled trees and destroyed/disabled vehicle blocking the rear, it would not have made much difference even if they had been in an armed car as all that would meant is the rebels would have taken a little longer and had to use more ammo or a demo charge to get at the people inside, but get to them they would have all the same.

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Raipur, June 3: Days after its investigation in deadly Chhattisgarh Naxal attack, National Investigation Agency (NIA) came up with some shocking information. The investigating agency confirmed that four Congress leaders indeed had conspired with the ultras to carry out the May 25 attack.
However, the identities of the four leaders of the party have not been revealed yet. According to a report published in Daily Bhaskar, while two Congress leaders were present at the convoy, other two leaders were believed to have provided "running commentary" to the ultras as soon as party convoy left from Darbha block.
One NIA official was quoted as saying, "We are investigation the call records which were made through the Jagdalpur cellphone tower. Four Congress have been identified who we believe provided minute-by-minute information to the Naxalites. Two of them were present in the convoy."

This is just disgusting. It makes the Bo Xilai saga look like a friendly scrimmage on the rugby field.


Saudi prince forks out 15m euros at Paris Disneyland

A Saudi prince spent 15 million euros ($19.5 million) for three days of fun at Disneyland near Paris to celebrate his degree, the group that runs the theme park said on Monday.

Prince Fahd al-Saud booked entire areas of the park over May 22 to 24 for his 60-odd guests. The festivities included tailor-made events involving "rare Disney characters," Euro Disney said.

Special security was put in place for the prince, one of the park's top customers, it added.

The theme park attracted 16 million visitors last year but Euro Disney has not made any profits since it was set up 20 years ago.

In the six months to March, the group had a net loss of 89.1 million euros compared with a loss of 11.8 million euros in the same period last year.

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