Lieutenant General
you accused me of being anal about the words "attack" and "insult" when i gave you a clarification of what i meant. if you want to prove how i was being "anal" (even though that is still a personal attack) why don't you dig up your own evidence rather than bringing in these irrelevant and desperate tactics? how boring! how meaningless!
nice one, you're going through my paper trail to dig up some dirt to post out of context in an off topic thread... and i'm the sensitive hypocrite with the personal attacks lol. i really gotta stop responding to this back and forth because it's getting rather futile and embarrasing for the both of us.
if anyone is interested in how this whole mess started, refer back to post #238 on page 16. the stuff on this page is just way too off point.
later jack
I accused you of being anal? Yeah after you were hung up on the "attack" you said I committed on you personally to which I asked where and you have not quoted anything of such to this point. The guy that called for a "just and accountable judiciary" telling the accused he has to prove his own innocence? And you say you studied the law? LOL!!!!!
Yeah you have to stop responding but you can't because you can't admit your hypocrisy and how wrong you are about everything you accused. How many times have you said, "Good Day?" You don't like me digging up your quotes to show everyone your hypocrisy? They're your quotes. Own them. That's what's called showing proof which you can't seem to show of your charge accusing me of attacking you personally.
Now you want the members of the forum to back you? Well then why don't you show the quotes that you say I was attacking you personally? You're appealing to everyone else now but still you won't show the quotes of my supposed guilt of attacking you. Make it easy for everyone and show my quotes attacking you personally.