Lieutenant General
Basically she said that a poll had revealed that 95% of mainland Chinese who immigrated to NZ indicated that their loyalty remained with China.
Got proof this or is this just another one of your made up figures like with Chinese chicken exports to the US? And don't give hear-say as proof. I want to see the this study that says this and it better have used the appropriate scientific techniques.
I suspect New Zealand is just like the US where many don't consider certain ethnicities as American no matter how long their families have been there. There are those that always bring up the loyalty question just like they do in the US. And of course that's racism because it wasn't at all about loyalty but to declare people as less and they don't deserve the same rights as the rest. And also to make people suspicious and ostracize those that are seen as different. They don't deserve equal rights. Given the history, what's more likely? You're concerned to include the Chinese (yeah right!) or you just hate and look for any excuse like noting Chinese girls wearing Hello Kitty t-shirts as a problem. Never really understood why would that be a problem unless one is trying note what makes people different. It must be an issue because it was brought up on a radio program. If you have this superficial problem just because of how someone dresses, do you think someone like this would ever be satisfied? If they stopped wearing Hello Kitty t-shirts, you would just move on to something else to complain about. Because this has nothing to do with loyalty. It has everything to do with making sure people you look down at will jump through hoops and do dog tricks for you. Does anyone else have to jump through hoops like this. No. That's why it's racism at the heart of it. I love the contradiction how the hypocrites hide behind freedom and individuality. But for the Chinese wearing Hello Kitty t-shirts is foreign and and shows disloyalty because these Chinese girls are not wearing what the average New Zealanders wear. Who's the commmunists now expecting people to conform?
The self-anointed champions of freedom and individuality don't want people to think to see the hypocrisy. While they hide behind indiviual rights, somehow wearing Hello Kitty t-shirts, as complained before, crosses the line. I remember when the first Asian supermarkets where I lived opened, there were complaints that they should be outlawed because some didn't like the idea that Asians would shop at their own specialized supermarkets and threatened the jobs of people who worked at like big American supermarkets like Safeway. And a lot of these Asian supermarket chains are owned by Taiwanese. Before that they didn't want Chinatowns existing. Chinatowns that rose because of discrimination and because Chinese couldn't walk into a any store owned by a white. Or I remember hearing on the radio people were complaining about seeing Asians buying Japanese electronics. They could buy Japanese electronics but not Asians. That was a sign of disloyalty.
There is a certain line that you can see with people who complain about other ethnicities being disloyal. It's the difference between whether the West has destroyed their culture or not. The fact is if you're seeking to control others, you don't like people with their own culture because you're not the one that determines its values. If you control what is valuable, everyone else who also values those things has to go to you to get it. That's power. Go call it racism and guess who they will show to counter that charge? They'll hold up another ethnicity they say they like who they happen to have already destroyed their culture and instilled their values to which they're in control.
What is disloyalty? Many of them will point to spying cases as an example of disloyalty of an entire enthnicity. China has 1.3 billion people. Taiwan has around 21 million people. In the US, Taiwanese are a minority among the Chinese ethnicity living in the US. Yet about 50% of the spies that are caught stealing for China are from Taiwan? So why is there this charge that Mainland Chinese are disloyal? Because facts mean nothing. Individuality and rights that they hide behind mean nothing. And they expect loyalty to racists who lie and hide behide rights they would never give you in the first place. I know there are those who say they don't support these racists. But what have you done to counter this? I know you shouldn't be punished for what others do nor should a broad brush be used. But isn't that what's being done against Chinese and the prejudice of disloyalty?
Here's an obvious fact. If disloyal Chinese are a threat to New Zealand, kick them out. Why not do that? It because it's called rights equal under the law. If the complaints didn't conflict with supposed individual rights, action could be taken. And you know why they don't take action? It's because no crime has been committed. So everything you're complaining about is about your own personal problems and prejudices and not about any laws that have been broken. The fact is it's not the Chinese that are a threat to cherished freedoms and human rights but the ones complaining about Chinese individuality being expressed.
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