Americas greatness is much more than that and many countries show a lack of gratitude for what America has given them. Eg Pakistan but considering you are more interested in focussing on the military aspects, its just as well that the USA has a powerful military/navy. Hu's recent statement in telling his navy "to prepare for war,"(Dec 2011) makes a farce in their claim of a "peaceful rise". Much to the relief of us who prefer freedom and democracy It has allowed the U.S. to increase her presence in the South China seas and Pacific, to counter any moves on the part of China to claim any territory she casts her covetous eyes upon, the second island chain for example.
What utter nonsense on every level.
Hu never said 'prepare for war' as has already been pointed out. It seem more like an intentional mistranslation by the usual suspects to hype up their China-threat agenda to try and justify their own ridiculously inflated defense budgets.
The level of bias and amenity you obviously hold towards China is clear for all to see, and it is fast approaching trolling levels of blind hatred that I have little interest in waste my time with as I cannot see how any attempt to reason with someone who thinks like this will yield anything but more hate filled diatribe.
China doesn't have a sh-t show of wining a war against the U.S.this century, if ever and the victor gets to write the history books. But then again the Amercians could decimate the attacking planes, sink a large number of surface units and subs, but the chinese will still claim a victory if they manage to get one strike on a U.S. carrier
You can almost see the war mongering hunger in your words, and it paints an ugly picture.
Perhaps you would care to refresh your history, since if you think
China doesn't doesn't have a sh-t show of wining a war against the U.S.this century now, I wonder what you reckon China's chances were in 1950? How exactly did that work out for America?
A war between China and America will be a complete disaster for
everyone on this planet, and only a total moron would crave it.
Whatever your problem is, deal with it like an adult, because if you keep behaving like a spoilt troll, people will start treating you as one.