The press will make a big hoopla out of this, where, IMHO, none really exists. Rick Fischer, IMHO, is somewhat of the alarmist...but it sells his opinion for him.Washington Free Beacon said:A Chinese naval vessel tried to force a U.S. guided missile warship to stop in international waters recently, causing a tense military standoff in the latest case of Chinese maritime harassment, according to defense officials.
The guided missile cruiser USS Cowpens, which recently took part in disaster relief operations in the Philippines, was confronted by Chinese warships in the South China Sea near Beijing’s new aircraft carrier Liaoning, according to officials familiar with the incident.
“On December 5th, while lawfully operating in international waters in the South China Sea, USS Cowpens and a PLA Navy vessel had an encounter that required maneuvering to avoid a collision,” a Navy official said.
“This incident underscores the need to ensure the highest standards of professional seamanship, including communications between vessels, to mitigate the risk of an unintended incident or mishap.”
A State Department official said the U.S. government issued protests to China in both Washington and Beijing in both diplomatic and military channels.
The Cowpens was conducting surveillance of the Liaoning at the time. The carrier had recently sailed from the port of Qingdao on the northern Chinese coast into the South China Sea.
According to the officials, the run-in began after a Chinese navy vessel sent a hailing warning and ordered the Cowpens to stop. The cruiser continued on its course and refused the order because it was operating in international waters.
Then a Chinese tank landing ship sailed in front of the Cowpens and stopped, forcing the Cowpens to abruptly change course in what the officials said was a dangerous maneuver.
According to the officials, the Cowpens was conducting a routine operation done to exercise its freedom of navigation near the Chinese carrier when the incident occurred about a week ago.
Rick Fisher, a China military affairs expert, said it is likely that the Chinese deliberately staged the incident as part of a strategy of pressuring the United States.
“They can afford to lose an LST [landing ship] as they have about 27 of them, but they are also usually armed with one or more twin 37 millimeter cannons, which at close range could heavily damage a lightly armored U.S. Navy destroyer,” said Fisher, a senior fellow at the International Assessment and Strategy Center.
Most Chinese Navy large combat ships would be out-ranged by the 127-millimeter guns deployed on U.S. cruisers, except China’s Russian-made Sovremenny-class ships and Beijing’s new Type 052D destroyers that are armed with 130-millimeter guns.
The encounter appears to be part of a pattern of Chinese political signaling that it will not accept the presence of American military power in its East Asian theater of influence, Fisher said.
This story is full of inaccuracies. For example, how does a Type 072 LST "stop" in front of an oncoming US Navy cruiser fast enough to make it avoid t?
Perhaps that vessel did sail in front of the path of the cruiser...but it certainly did not "stop."
My guess is that this is the type of cat and mouse game that will go on between nations. The US was apparently set on seeing how close in international waters she could sail to the Liaoning. The Chinese wanted them further off.
Using a guided-missile cruiser to do this seems like the US simply had nothing else in the vicinity at the time...or there was more than one US ship nearby. A sub would work for acoustics, or an LCS of FFG would be far better for electronics...and not as threatening and more maneuverable.
My guess is that when the Liaoning sailed down to Hainan Island, the Cowpens was in the area and ordered to shadow her. She got closer than the Chinese wanted and so they warned her off. For the LST to have had time to "get in her way," means that the cruiser kept on and that ship (which is slow and far less maneuverable than the Cowpens) had time to try and block her.
The press wants to make a big deal about the armament of the LST. Yes, they carry a couple of twin 37mm mounts that could do real damage to the Cowpens at close range. But the Cowpens carriers two 127mm naval guns, two 25mm autocannons, two 20mm Phalanx CIWS, and four to six 12.7mm guns, not to mention its eight Harpoon missiles. There was nothing close to a shooting incident.
So...yes, there was an incident, and we are probably going to see pictures and maybe a video of it at some point...but I do not think it was nearly as serious as this story and others are making it out to be.
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