3. Huge(relatively) cockpit and relatively weak, single wheel frontal chassis. Not necessarily, but this plane can in fact be very small, perhaps as small or even smaller than F-16.
4. Fuselage shape smells drone variant(just "remove" cockpit in your imagination). Likely aimed at high incriment dedicated loyal wingman in the future, and almost certainly meant to operate with them normally. Not just "command" them, but be *part* of them. Which will also amplify stealth of manned component - not directly, but through similarity of "blinking" LO airframes.
I wonder how high are Boeing chances here, though, given that USAF is doing everything to prevent vendor lock.
While the F-47 being smaller than the F-22 is certainly probable - Color me very skeptical regarding the notion that the F-47 is smaller than the F-16.
As a matter of fact, the F-16 itself with only one high-thrust F110 engine is already pretty small in size (~63 m^2 in 2D projection). Trying to go smaller than even the F-16 - And I'm afraid that there's going to be more capabilities that will have to be sacrificed.
That's not yet including the fact that manned components of 6th-gen systems will need to be equipped with exceptional computing power to process all the battlespace information, meaning that a large onboard power-generation capability is desired. That would necessitate using high-thrust turbofan/adaptive cycle engine(s) that are way more powerful than what's on the F-16. I don't quite see how such an engine would be smaller/more compact than the F110, even if the F-47 can fly farther with F-16's fuel capacity.
That said, I believe that the F-47 should be roughly F-35-sized, which itself is pretty much the smallest in service 5th-gen in the world (~81 m^2) with one F119/F135-class engine.
8. Numbers are seen as important, and general vector of buying 1 7th gen aircraft by 2054 as wrong. Which is very refreshing.
That's why I'm rather concerned about the notions where there will only be low numbers of J-36 to be procured by the PLAAF, despite the J-36 absolutely being (somewhat or significantly) larger than the F-47.
In the world of 6th-gen systems, number is king.