US F/A-XX and F-X & NGAD - 6th Gen Aircraft News Thread


Registered Member
The Bird of Prey's MTOW was also in the 3-4 ton ballpark. Can't imagine the F-47 being that size or even close to it, which will inevitably impact signature management
Even if it's order of magnitude larger, but consistently, in production airframe and in all aspects - it is quantum leap over F-22 in x band alone, with complete freedom of ambush.

And S/L band is arguably far more consequential, because opponent won't even have picture of your presence. Back to pre-radar era.

The AIM-260 is generally expected to have a range in excess of 200km at an absolute minimum. That's hardly WVR.
Yes, but 200+ is distance of cooperative launch, which will almost certainly be avoided by any fighter - see Ukraine.
If launched from 30, it's execution, and it's execution maneuverable/fast/affordable aircraft can afford to setup, as it isn't afraid of consequences.
Add, for example, LO weapon with LPI/IIR seeker on top.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
This is just too good on so many levels
- Boeing
- Canard aka J20 clone after decade of claiming canard isnt stealth (and of all the NGAD concepts they picked this one)
- 47 because Trump is 47th
- Just starting design now while China already flight testing two
- High profile announcement with only CG, while China announced with flight over city

Its just so pathetic, if I were American I will proberbly also start doing copium
Then they said the plane had been secretly tested for five years. I don’t want to sound like a skeptic, but can’t help wondering if this number were just to skip over Biden’s term.


Registered Member
Ok, after happy pages of sweet revenge, some first impressions.

1. Photos hide rear, but also emphasize supersonic flight.
2. Canards - supersonic stability (and performance), but also apparently maneuver requirements were maintained. Lile it, hate it - canards will hit high frequency LO. But won't kill it(after all, it's Boeing, i.e. an obvious bird of prey descendant). Low frequency one can still be wastly better than 5th gen. No easy L-band workarounds.
Maneuverability will help such aircraft to operate at low altitudes; it will help it in both wvr(which it probably very much capable of reaching) and contested bvr.

3. Huge(relatively) cockpit and relatively weak, single wheel frontal chassis. Not necessarily, but this plane can in fact be very small, perhaps as small or even smaller than F-16.
5. Wings look rather long.
6.adaptable engines are basic feature of the package.

Summary: likely light(even against expectations, though it was already expected to be smaller than F-22). Given presence of canards and highly advanced (towards efficiency across flight modes) engines, likely meant to fly very far.


4. Fuselage shape smells drone variant(just "remove" cockpit in your imagination). Likely aimed at high incriment dedicated loyal wingman in the future, and almost certainly meant to operate with them normally. Not just "command" them, but be *part* of them. Which will also amplify stealth of manned component - not directly, but through similarity of "blinking" LO airframes.
I wonder how high are Boeing chances here, though, given that USAF is doing everything to prevent vendor lock.

5. Lightness speculation, together with obvious high integration with CCAs, probably means that something has to give.
In F-22, range was sacrificed. In F-35 it was aerodynamic performance(efficiency). Here, I feel it will be IWB depth.
LWs, F-35s and B-21s can carry voluminous payloads.
If you aim at a bay capable of only AIM-260s and future WVR missiles, it can be extremely shallow, or even conformal(bays). APKWS in bay doors?
This description would imo be more suited for the F/A-XX program.
Don't see how such a NGAD would suit US forces in the Indo-Pacific theater where range and payload is critical

And let's not forget they said that it is cheaper than the F-22.
What about power generation, cooling requirements, room for future upgrades, potential DEW, etc.

Well, I wish them good luck I guess

Which runs counter to the USAF's requirments for the NGAD, they have always wanted a huge plane that can handle the large distances in the Pacific in any potential conflict with China. A medium sized plane is a direct counter to that. So it's either some random render that they drew up that doesn't actually reflect the true appearance of the plane or a deliberate attempt at misinformation.
USAF also wanted a cheap plane. Soo... Something got to give
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Registered Member
This description would imo be more suited for the F/A-XX program.
Don't see how such a NGAD would suit US forces in the Indo-Pacific theater where range and payload is critical

And let's not forget they said that it is cheaper than thr F-22.

Well, I wish them good luck I guess
From current orchestra of noises, I personally expect F/A-XX to end up quite big, and probably not that ambitious in stealth., but even more of a bomber/interceptor.

USAF can afford to offload onto CCA. USN, not so much.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I kind of did expect the plane to have canards when I first heard they were about to close the deal... It's Boeing we're talking about. Almost all of their renders of 'what a 6th gen looks like' had canards...

For me, the main surprise was the dihedral wings and canards. I had just expected them to move ahead with a more traditional configuration, just like Shenyang did with the J-50.
Yep. Once boeing announced their facility in St Louis I knew they would win, and all their render had canards.