Ok, after happy pages of sweet revenge, some first impressions.
1. Photos hide rear, but also emphasize supersonic flight.
2. Canards - supersonic stability (and performance), but also apparently maneuver requirements were maintained. Lile it, hate it - canards will hit high frequency LO. But won't kill it(after all, it's Boeing, i.e. an obvious bird of prey descendant). Low frequency one can still be wastly better than 5th gen. No easy L-band workarounds.
Maneuverability will help such aircraft to operate at low altitudes; it will help it in both wvr(which it probably very much capable of reaching) and contested bvr.
3. Huge(relatively) cockpit and relatively weak, single wheel frontal chassis. Not necessarily, but this plane can in fact be very small, perhaps as small or even smaller than F-16.
5. Wings look rather long.
6.adaptable engines are basic feature of the package.
Summary: likely light(even against expectations, though it was already expected to be smaller than F-22). Given presence of canards and highly advanced (towards efficiency across flight modes) engines, likely meant to fly very far.
4. Fuselage shape smells drone variant(just "remove" cockpit in your imagination). Likely aimed at high incriment dedicated loyal wingman in the future, and almost certainly meant to operate with them normally. Not just "command" them, but be *part* of them. Which will also amplify stealth of manned component - not directly, but through similarity of "blinking" LO airframes.
I wonder how high are Boeing chances here, though, given that USAF is doing everything to prevent vendor lock.
5. Lightness speculation, together with obvious high integration with CCAs, probably means that something has to give.
In F-22, range was sacrificed. In F-35 it was aerodynamic performance(efficiency). Here, I feel it will be IWB depth.
LWs, F-35s and B-21s can carry voluminous payloads.
If you aim at a bay capable of only AIM-260s and future WVR missiles, it can be extremely shallow, or even conformal(bays). APKWS in bay doors?