Haven't seen anyone posting this anywhere on Twitter.
Looks CGI-ish - Also, what's with that angled vertical stabilizers (which shouldn't really exist on a 6th-gen manned combat aircraft)? And where are the canards?
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as another comment on youtube said. if 47 was chosen in honor of Trump then the way F-47 is spelled sounds like how you would insult some one by censoring the F word and saying "f u".
so the plane has been named F-Trump.
this is the anti Trump equivelant of FJB.
I posted in another thread, figured I share it here as well. Anyway.. canards!!!!
Someone please help verify if this is legit F-47
It’s J-47…
On an unrelated note did folks from F-16.net start freaking out over the decision yet?
Yeah, no. America is rapidly converging on India levels of credibility.Jokes aside there does appear to be a lot of gloating which is pretty deserved for the Americans. However based off the aircraft render itself from the two images we've seen, The design looks pretty unique and impressive, clearly builds a lot off the X-36 and I'm really intrigued by the potential dihedral wing. The F-47 could potential turn out to be insanely impressive in terms of capabilities, they've definitely gone all out on the design of this aircraft, I can see how this proposal from Boeing was "more revolutionary" than what lockheed's proposal could've been. This is no time to be only joking about the aircraft and it's development.
I like humorous comments every once in a while, but it's been pretty much non stop gloating for a few pages, I think it needs to be toned down a little, at least in my opinion.