Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
I'm sensing a decrease in propaganda on social media coming out of Ukraine since last night. Perhaps this:
The strike on Psychological Special Operations center has had an effect?
No, the ops aren't being directed from Ukraine, but in the US.

I think the powers that be have realised that whipping up hysteria up your populace for a cause you will ultimately have to abandon is a recipe for domestic unrest. Especially when it transpires that things that were being reported were not all 100% factual.

For days we had information completely unchecked coming from the Ukrainian side that was completely unfiltered and passed as true, while the Russian side was heavily suppressed.

I think we need to consider that, with so many crises occurring simultaneously, some folks are really grasping at straws and losing perspective and rationality. I think folks should only spend two hours, here, at most! After that, it becomes obsessive!

Ok, I’m going to buy another 24 gallons of water for my nuclear bunker, now!
I'd already ordered iodine solution. I think we're safe for now...

We probably won't know for years but I think we hit DEFCON 1 over the weekend for the first time in history.


Registered Member
There are some nasty and huge claims that have started.

Some, like the videos from Kherson about the people in the park, are ugly, but, well, I can't say I blame the Russians for, really. I mean, you're making molotov cocktails for crying out loud! Those are not benign bottles of perfume or a cup of tea to convince the Russians to go home! yo my yo.

There's a drone salesman pitch coming from Team TB2. The claim stretches incredulity. The only place they could have done that sort of strike is on the giant column, specially if there were a huge bunch of bunched up fuel tankers.

Then the protests are coming out. Ukrainians telling Russians to go home. They are unarmed and there are nonsensical claims they made the Russians leave. It shows to me the restraint of the Russian troops, imo, more than anything. As I said before, in 2014 in the Donbas, you could tell the 'insurgents' from the Russian Army: the kids from the army always were polite and respectful. The insurgents, not so much. *cough*vast understatement*cough*

Propaganda is incoming. They're just loading their online katyushas.
Someone just pointed out a great analogy to me. If this is indeed a successful case of using hard kill to disrupt information warfare on this scale then it's literately this:
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