Ukrainian War Developments

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Hardly a surprise… at least for me. Americans see Russia as a military threat while plenty of Americans see China as a paper tiger. Still waiting for the immienet collapse from the trade war, pandemic, imploding real estate market, three gorge dam, etc.


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The United States government increased the national debt by roughly 4T in the last 2 years at near 0 interest rates. That is the ultimate adjustable rate mortgage since we're continuously playing off old debt with new debt. When rates rise(whether due to inflation or as a fix for inflation), we're pretty much in trouble with the nearly 30T in national debt that gets continuously rolled over.

Create/manufacture/escalate/push for a major global crisis (war) to create a flight to safety to the USD and US Treasuries to keep interest rates low.

It can't be this simple and obvious right?


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Hardly a surprise… at least for me. Americans see Russia as a military threat while plenty of Americans see China as a paper tiger. Still waiting for the immienet collapse from the trade war, pandemic, imploding real estate market, three gorge dam, etc.
I cannot wait until those silos are complete and start getting loaded. I'm pretty sure US intelligence agencies will be able to get at least a rough estimate of the expansion of China's nuclear arsenal. In the coming years, this will certainly be accompanied by drip-fed hysteria in US media, along with constant shrieks to rope China into arms control agreements. This will serve the very useful purpose of fixing in the American mind the idea that China can annihilate America.

Yes, it's true that Ukraine has little bearing on Taiwan. China won't win by breaking America's resolve, but by becoming strong enough to destroy America's military.

james smith esq

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Well, if Putin were planning to invade Ukraine, he should start it in two hours, just to pre-empt the Stupor Bowl of ‘Murican sports.

All these fat idiots would be glued to their television sets in great anticipation of three hours of boring repetitive stop-start, stop-start, with their mouths stuffed with “mass quantities” while drinking “lite” beer, and suddenly, “we interrupt this broadcast with breaking news”, followed by two straight hours of Ukraine news coverage and ‘Muricans saying “what’s Ukraine”. But, they’d still run the commercials, tho’!

That would be hilarious!
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