Ukrainian War Developments

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this is not true, the US created historical precedent and was never even accused of war crimes thus they're legal. Here is something to think about.

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Attacking critical civilian infrastructure is a war crime, period. Your argument that just because the US gets away with it, everyone should do it, is psychotic. It's just as psychotic as the US war criminal leadership.

On top, your argument, as I already noted, doesn't even make sense. All you need to cripple a modern military is to destroy the military itself. Modern systems can't be cheaply and quickly mass produced like they were in the 1940s. So you are incorrect on every level.
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This is blowing out of proportion. A few comments on the web and all Chinese should be ashamed. It is just ridiculous and complete nonsense. Western media has nothing better to do and reporting such a irrelevant thing.
I don't understand it. Instead of saying this is nothing. it's just western media demonizing China/Chinese people. Why don't you just condemn those 'few comments' so that there are thousands of Chinese voices that's on the right side. Isn't that the more direct and moral thing to do?
China's social media is overrun by some feminists and self-righteousness. Next we know, Chinese could not speak because it is a crime to speak.
I am condemning behavior so clearly and unambiguously wrong. But you think that would lead to Chinese could not speak at all? I understand that there are moral dilemmas and gray zones in this world. But I am smart enough to know making sexual explicit remarks about female Ukraine refugees ain't one.
Individuals should be responsible for his or her own words. Condemned the individuals. Stopped condemning the whole society for such trivial thing.
Isn't that what I did?
If China needed to be responsible for someone said something online, then it is the biggest joke in the world. Anyone who suggested that this brings shame to China or Chinese should really need to grow a spine.
You've got to be kidding me! Nathan Chen, a born and bred Chinese American, won a gold for his country. But people on this forum condemned him as a traitor to all Chinese people. Many people gave likes to those posts. somehow that association works? Haven't you seen how some Chinese tourists' behavior in foreign countries can badly damage China's image?

now let's try the opposite side. few Chinese netizens were very thoughtful and supportive to a country that was struck by natural disasters and people from that country were really thankful of them and developed appreciation for all Chinese people. Would I be wrong (or spineless) to think they brought pride to all Chinese people?


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OK, so you believe that such tactics are fully legal and in compliance with the US's own standard for wartime conduct. Do I understand correctly?
I'm saying it's a measured response. Should we have planned on answering chemical weapons attacks with nukes?


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Attacking critical civilian infrastructure is a war crime, period. Your argument that because the US gets away with it, everyone should do what the US does (and that makes it "legal") is, like I said, psychotic. It is just as psychotic as the US war criminal leadership.
OK. Let me phrase again:

Power is key military infrastructure used to run military command centers, radars, etc. Civilians can survive with candles, water tablets and canned food. Power plants are minimally staffed. Disabling them does not harm civilian lives. Not war crime.

Oil is key military infrastructure used to fuel military vehicles. Civilians can walk or ride bikes. Oil refineries are minimally staffed. Disabling them does not harm civilian lives. Not war crime.

Bridges are key military infrastructure for transporting ground force vehicles and logistics train. Civilians can climb mountains or swim. Bridges do not have staff. Disabling them does not harm civilian lives. Not war crime.

Semiconductor fabs are key military infrastructure for building chips for electronics used in military vehicles and research. Note that this is a US definition that they used to put SMIC on the entity list as a "military end user". They are minimally staffed at night and are highly automated. Civilians don't need smartphones to live, nobody said smartphones are a human right. Not war crime.

Hmm it seems like all my proposed targets are legal. They aren't pure civil infrastructure, they're actually military infrastructure with some certain civilian uses.


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My Strategic view of this war:

Russia has taken the biggest gamble that will define its future. But this is a gamble they had to take. They could clearly see that the advance of the US led western empire was slowing coming towards their borders on all directions. The protests in Belarus has shown that it is becoming inevitable that all former soviet states will not be able to ignore allure of the EU since they see every EU member gets to become rich, has reduced corruption and overall becomes a developed country. This allure of being developed and having the good life is too strong to stop with only grey zone threats coming from Russia.

So they had to fulfill on those threats and show the post soviet states that they will will get destroyed if they try to leave the russian orbit. the power of hope can only be beaten by power of despair.

But the problem with Russia's current strategy is that they are not creating despair with their soft approach in Ukraine. Instead, their losses are giving a different kind of hope to Ukraine, the hope of military victory. It is now certain that if Russia stops this war without full surrender then Ukraine will become even bolder in terms of becoming "Anti-Russia". The military defeat will also cause huge loss of prestige in other soviet states and will probably lead to rise of pro-western governments there as well.

So slowly but surely Russia will come to the realization that bombing the hell out of Ukraine is better than letting them go. Moreover, I think all the anti-war sentiment in Russian public will not last long. Very soon all the military deaths and sense of humiliation will ignite anger in the Russia psyche. They will no longer feel the brotherly love that they used to feel and instead start to think them as insolent brats humiliating Russia. Russian public will want harder response.

So both Russian public demand and leadership realization will lead to massive bombing of Ukraine to force them to surrender. To show them that you don't insult Russia and get to live.

This will truly be the end of Ukraine as a state and any form of Ukrainian nationalism will be over. I expect Russia to give Ukraine the Xinjiang Reeducation treatment once this is over.
Pretty much spot on. Except being part of the EU doesn't seem to make you less corrupt, see the examples of Poland, Greece, Bulgaria etc. It does make you richer with the elimination of tariffs and basically free money from Germany. Eastern Europeans also get to work in car washes or strawberry fields for the salary of a doctor back home.

Russia has been poked for years and it seems like they've finally had enough. Their thinking right now seems to be fuck it, it's better to die on your feet than beg on your knees.

When it comes to geopolitics Anglo stupidity really shows. During the Cold War, western political leaders had to be very good geopolitically. Politicians in the west are now generally retarded and only get to power through domestic political manuoveering and backhanders, international relations is largely dictated by foreign lobby groups. Everything they do is carefully choreographed with multitudes of advisors, notice how none can give a speech without a teleprompter and dozens of speech writers. They are completely unequipped to deal with the situation that's currently unfolding.

We've seen that incompetence play out countless times in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and so on. But the damage done there was only done to the countries being invaded, there was very little blowback back home. This time the effects are very likely going to be felt in Europe and America.

Each new measure that's announced to damage Russia is just making them more and more like North Korea. It's like a slow moving car crash as NATO announces sanction after sanction. Putin was very clear a month ago that any escalation from NATO would result in a nuclear response. That went on deaf ears. It's only now that America is waking up to the fact we're in a nuclear standoff just like the Cuban missile crisis. The statement at the UNSC today was shocking, America's response was basically; "don't bring up nukes bro". I'm sure that would have worked well in Cuba.

If anything it's much worse than the Cuban missile crisis. Back then at least it was just between USA and the USSR. America now needs to navigate not only Russian demands, but every small NATO country to make sure they don't do anything provocative unilaterally. With Putin being universally labelled as the new Hitler, there's going to a lot of dissatisfied people in Europe whatever the outcome.

Media outlets are starting to talk about nuclear war semi seriously. What do you think will happen when Putin decides to withdraw from START I? Or reactivate cold war era bomb shelters? Or withdraw from the CTBT and test one of their nukes? Russia has less cards in their hands than America, if America carries on punishing Russia the only option they'll have left is to bring up their nuclear card.

America is putting itself in a lose-lose situation, I honestly can't think of a scenario where America comes out better. It's picking a fight with a homeless person covering in shit.

All China needs to do is keep their distance from both sides publically and they'll be the biggest winners from all this.
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