Ukrainian War Developments

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Junior Member
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You should say these Taiwanese scum bags bring shame to Chinese everywhere.
Well it was Qing dynasty that gave them away, and now we (PRC) are the heir in that lineage. So when you curse the Taiwanese for selling out their ancestor, look at yourself in the mirror too. We didn't fight for them to save our own ass. At least we should have the decency to use some more thoughtful words.


Junior Member
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No, not really.
I totally get the reason for US imperialism, since I studied McKinder and other geopolitical scholars. If I was america, I would also try to constantly destabilize the continental powers to keep them from becoming stronger than myself. Willful "allies" like Ukraine, Japan, Taiwan etc are useful idiots for me.

But the US should not be surprised if one day a power rises up that will end their hegemony. Can the Americans expect any mercy? I doubt it.
US policy can be boiled down to two things: 1. Leave us and ours alone and we leave you alone. 2. If we have to fight you, better to do it in your backyard than ours. Don't know why this is so difficult to understand.


Senior Member
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OK. Let me phrase again:

Power is key military infrastructure used to run military command centers, radars, etc. Civilians can survive with candles, water tablets and canned food. Power plants are minimally staffed. Disabling them does not harm civilian lives. Not war crime.

Oil is key military infrastructure used to fuel military vehicles. Civilians can walk or ride bikes. Oil refineries are minimally staffed. Disabling them does not harm civilian lives. Not war crime.

Bridges are key military infrastructure for transporting ground force vehicles and logistics train. Civilians can climb mountains or swim. Bridges do not have staff. Disabling them does not harm civilian lives. Not war crime.

Semiconductor fabs are key military infrastructure for building chips for electronics used in military vehicles and research. Note that this is a US definition that they used to put SMIC on the entity list as a "military end user". They are minimally staffed at night and are highly automated. Civilians don't need smartphones to live, nobody said smartphones are a human right. Not war crime.

Hmm it seems like all my proposed targets are legal. They aren't pure civil infrastructure, they're actually military infrastructure with some certain civilian uses.

You're forgetting about water treatment plants, which were also included in your list, and are clearly listed as part of the critical infrastructure prohibited as a war crime.

And what you were actually advocating was the total destruction of the economy (which by the way, I already told you is stupid thing to focus on in a modern conflict because you can just directly destroy the military and it will have no chance to regenerate for decades). Destroying a country's economy will kill millions of civilians due to poverty and it serves no direct military purpose in the 21st century, other than American-style oppression.


now let's try the opposite side. few Chinese netizens were very thoughtful and supportive to a country that was struck by natural disasters and people from that country were really thankful of them and developed appreciation for all Chinese people. Would I be wrong (or spineless) to think they brought pride to all Chinese people?

Yes, that would be a ridiculous proposition. It's the same as saying we should be proud of Americans because some of them opposed the Iraq war.
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