Ukrainian War Developments

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Idc what is going to happen to Europe, I am more concerned about my situation. They can have all the blackouts they want, lol. Poland is already in NATO and all other Russian neighbors just got massive stimulus to join NATO.

Btw, where do you live? It is easy to talk about putting "security" over economic well-being when you won't be bearing the consequences.
I understand how you feel.

Russia have to fight now before it is too late. “Fight now so your children don’t have to fight at greater disadvantages” Borrow from Korean War


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Idc what is going to happen to Europe, I am more concerned about my situation. They can have all the blackouts they want, lol. Poland is already in NATO and all other Russian neighbors just got massive stimulus to join NATO.

It is easy to talk about putting "security" over economic well-being when you won't be bearing the consequences.
Just think about it. Poland has 38 million people, Ukraine has 41 million. You put that together and it is close to 80 million.
Both had severely anti-Russian governments. Poland was upgrading 249 Leopard 2 tanks to Leopard 2PL standard and 250 more M1A2.
The M1A2 deal was announced in 17 February just before this conflict started. They have over 500+ tanks of older T-72 like models.

As for Germany, if Russia cuts the gas, which they probably will given the depth of the SWIFT sanctions and the freezing of Russian Central Bank euro deposits, it means Russia effectively can't trade with Europe. They claim gas supplies aren't affected by the SWIFT sanctions, but would you accept electronic deposits in a currency you can't use to buy anything with in electronic withdrawals? It is simply stupid.

If I was you, since you seem to be in Germany, I would try to cut down on my energy usage as much as possible. I estimate that Germany has around 2 months of gas supplies at the current consumption rate at best. If they are distributed to other countries it will be less. Currently the Yamal Pipeline Germany-Poland-Russia is operating in reverse i.e. Poland is withdrawing gas from your deposits. And your country voted in a bunch of idiots which probably have crashed your industrial economy for the next decade thanks to their many, many, shortsighted decisions. When the Russian central bank kept its euro deposits while leaving its dollar deposits it was a signal to Europe. They EU leaders seem to think freezing those euro deposits is a good idea. But the thing is, all EU investments in Russia surpass that amount, and they can be confiscated. Russia dumped its dollars since US companies basically don't invest in Russia. These decisions are the final in a long line of stupid European decisions. The biggest beneficiaries will be the US and China. The biggest losers will be Russia and Europe. Of all the countries in Central Europe probably France is the one which will do the best given their large nuclear power output. And once the energy shortages begin don't expect any "European solidarity" or the trans European energy market to continue to work for long. If Belarus is sanctioned like Russia, they will cut their energy supply from the Baltics as well, and those will likely freeze too.


Registered Member
Big update: an abandoned T-80U has been found in Poltava Province, to South West of Kharkiv. That must mean 4th Guard Tank Division has circled around Kharkiv and is penetrating into the rear area. This has potential to cause some major disruption to the Ukrainian forces still fighting in the east, possible encirclement of all the forces in the east.
I found the source:
This indicates the division is at least this far behind the front line, and the scary thing is no one other than Russian high command know where they are.


Registered Member
All I can say is this, this is a war, not a game! Although, we may have political reasons for preferring a particular outcome, the process is destructive and contributes to human suffering and death. So, let’s stop the cheerleading and chest-thumping. If you have to cheer for Russia military prowess, go do it on a Russian site!

Sorry, but, I cannot help but laughing my butt off. :p


This is very serious business.

But then, we hear the most absurd things! Simply crazy!

Then most of us will not say anything.

Since it is tense, someone cracks a joke, then another, then another, and it goes haywire!

This place tends to be a happy place, that is how it is.

You were talking about the Chinese and American professional wrestling. I would like to say I like to say I like the Mexican version myself. Olay!



Registered Member
Just think about it. Poland has 38 million people, Ukraine has 41 million. You put that together and it is close to 80 million.
Both had severely anti-Russian governments. Poland was upgrading 249 Leopard 2 tanks to Leopard 2PL standard and 250 more M1A2.
The M1A2 deal was announced in 17 February just before this conflict started. They have over 500+ tanks of older T-72 like models.

As for Germany, if Russia cuts the gas, which they probably will given the depth of the SWIFT sanctions and the freezing of Russian Central Bank euro deposits, it means Russia effectively can't trade with Europe. They claim gas supplies aren't affected by the SWIFT sanctions, but would you accept electronic deposits in a currency you can't use to buy anything with in electronic withdrawals? It is simply stupid.

If I was you, since you seem to be in Germany, I would try to cut down on my energy usage as much as possible. I estimate that Germany has around 2 months of gas supplies at the current consumption rate at best. If they are distributed to other countries it will be less. Currently the Yamal Pipeline Germany-Poland-Russia is operating in reverse i.e. Poland is withdrawing gas from your deposits. And your country voted in a bunch of idiots which probably have crashed your industrial economy for the next decade thanks to their many, many, shortsighted decisions. When the Russian central bank kept its euro deposits while leaving its dollar deposits it was a signal to Europe. They EU leaders seem to think freezing those euro deposits is a good idea. But the thing is, all EU investments in Russia surpass that amount, and they can be confiscated. Russia dumped its dollars since US companies basically don't invest in Russia. These decisions are the final in a long line of stupid European decisions. The biggest beneficiaries will be the US and China. The biggest losers will be Russia and Europe. Of all the countries in Central Europe probably France is the one which will do the best given their large nuclear power output. And once the energy shortages begin don't expect any "European solidarity" or the trans European energy market to continue to work for long. If Belarus is sanctioned like Russia, they will cut their energy supply from the Baltics as well, and those will likely freeze too.
@gelgoog The American are trying to reestablished Chimerica the mythical
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