They have balls of steel to just drive in to cities with a clear enemy presence. I don’t understand what they’re trying to do though.
They have balls of steel to just drive in to cities with a clear enemy presence. I don’t understand what they’re trying to do though.
This operation reminds me in some ways about the NATO operation in Serbia during the Kosovo campaign called Operation Allied Force. I'll quote the book written by the man responsible for the campaign itself, Gen. Wes Clark (ret.) book "Waging Modern War."Exactly. China is learning valuable lessons from the Russian frustrations in Ukraine. It is good that China is learning them now through Russia, and not directly. Indeed, Russia should've learned this from the US experience in Vietnam and the reversal of that in Desert Storm.
Those lessons are:
1. control the media and if not, make sure the media reports little to nothing at all. In Vietnam, it was very demoralizing to see US troops on tape being captured by Viet Cong or North Vietnamese soldiers and it made them ashamed to see war crimes committed by their troops. In Desert Storm they learned to silence opposition media and amplify their own.
2. don't hold back at the start. negotiations are for before the war or after the war, not during.
3. hitting infrastructure is key.
These critical Russian mistakes might have cost them alot more than the direct value of their military losses.
I would put more faith in Russian MOD than Ukraine’s. The latter has actually had put out misinformation for morale. this is just like the galwan conflict.It’s surprising how silent Russia has been in this conflict.
Yeah it’s kinda odd to me though. Russia has been notorious for successful propaganda/psyops in the past. If you listen to Ukraine MoD, they destroy 2 IL76, killed 5x more Russian troops, shot down Su35 using a Mig29, etc. It all seems far fetched.I would put more faith in Russian MOD than Ukraine’s. The latter has actually had put out misinformation for morale. this is just like the galwan conflict.
they probably saw American do it in iraq and thought it might be different since their not humves. their is even a whole hbo series about. its called generation kill.
From the outside, this feels very confusing. Ok, well, more than the norm for warfare. Sending in what appears to be disorganized small groups of spetznaz in trucks...seems weird. Even for recon. At least this way.
Please, tell me what I am missing.