Ukrainian War Developments

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Is is really that difficult to see that Putin has a Napoleonic complex? And that he’s really nothing but a Mafia-boss styled thug. Dude takes “Macho Man” shirtless pics; c’mon man!!!???
I think you might be projecting here. Why do you care about Putin's shirtless pics? ;)

Just because Putin’s charades might benefit China doesn’t mean that he’s either admirable or particularly smart.
"Might" is the correct word. It distracts the US but it also strengthens NATO and makes Eastern Europe countries US' puppets while also making the EU closer to the US.
It all depends on if China finds that beneficial for it, or not

If Putin were some geo-political genius, he’d have re-oriented Russian political, military, and economic policies away from Europe and towards China and Iran long ago
For China yes, but for Iran no. There is a reason why even now, everyone is avoiding Iran like a plague.
And why "away from Europe"? Europe is a rich continent which has brought Russia hundreds of billions (maybe even > $1 trillion) in wealth. So that decision was correct.

The only thing wrong was that he also didn't focus on China as much as he did on Europe. Anyway, mistakes are natural to happen. What matters is that now he is taking the correct approach

Instead, he continues selling weapons to one of China’s principal regional antagonists and groveling for attention from the west.
Nah. He is actually making China a favour for selling to India. Otherwise India would have fallen to the Western camp and got western equipment. Better for India to get Russian weapons that China also got from Russia lol.

It means that China knows precisely how to take advantage of India using weapons which have been studied extensively by it

Putin might be useful
Putin is useful, period. He ensures an anti-West Russia stance while being friendly to China and having a stable land border with it. And don't forget that he is providing a lot of natural resources/raw materials to China by land transport which are important for China to ensure that it can't be blockaded.


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"Is is really that difficult to see that Putin has a Napoleonic complex ?"


Once upon a time ... A country cornered, plundered, humiliated (1991-1999) emerges a leader who says "enough is enough" and ... the servile scribes of The West Empire begin their denigration campaign

Anyway, Napoleon has a good press in France, so it's no big deal, but it is surprising to see again and again the degree of mental toxicity of Western narcissism and mental bubble

But, of course, France has the god-given right to bomb Libya and destroy Libya and unleashing Chaos and Terror in Libya
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And, of course, The West Empire also has the divine right to subcontract the destruction of Syria to takfiri thugs


In a nutshell

The West Empire, the largest and deadliest military empire the face of the earth has ever known, can destroy any country it pleases since the horrific bombings in Korea and since its luminous founding act in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to make it clear to the whole world who is the "top dog"

And this - "I am the Master and you all must obey me" - his scribes call "international order based on rules"

The West is a fxxxx Comedy


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This is looking at the linkages between Russia - Ukraine - Belarus.


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I see the situation like a reverse Cuban crisis, we can draw parallels between the two events :

For the Cuban crisis:

1) U.S. government had supported Batista, a former soldier and Cuban dictator

2) Batista is forcibly removed from power by a revolution, shutting US influences and putting in pro-Russian leader.

3) Bay of Pigs Invasion to turn the tide but failed, US still keep Guatanamo bay.

4) Cuba accept establishment of Russian missile base provocking a US menace to invade and mass troops making a blockade.

5) Third world war imminent but Soviet leader offer to remove the Cuban missiles in exchange for the U.S. promising not to invade Cuba. Cuban got busted with sanctions of his past bosses (US) and didn't get all the help needed for his new one (URSS).

What is happening in Ukraine:

1) Russian government had supported President Viktor Yanukovych, a nice pro russian puppet.

2) Yanukovych is forcibly removed from power by a revolution, shutting Russia influences and putting in pro-NATO leader

3) Crimea Invasion to turn the tide but failed, Russia still keep Crimea.

4) Ukraine want to become NATO partner implicating establishment of Nato missile bases provocking a Russian menace to invade and mass troops making a blockade.

5) Third world war imminent but the rest still to be written ?


Registered Member
1) Russian government had supported President Viktor Yanukovych, a nice pro russian puppet.

2) Yanukovych is forcibly removed from power by a revolution, shutting Russia influences and putting in pro-NATO leader

3) Crimea Invasion to turn the tide but failed, Russia still keep Crimea.

4) Ukraine want to become NATO partner implicating establishment of Nato missile bases provocking a Russian menace to invade and mass troops making a blockade.

5) Third world war imminent but the rest still to be written ?
Few differences :
Yanukovych was elected by the mayority of the voters, democtraticly, and he tried to get the best deal from the EU and Russia. When Russia gaves better deal, he choose them. As an answer the CIA organised a coup against them ,and forcibly removed him and the elected pairlament/ goverment from the picture to harm Russia .

That caused a collapse of Ukraine, the level of living and the economy.

Nice job, CIA .
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