Ukrainian War Developments

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China has a massive advantage over 2/3 potential hotspots that Russia doesn't have over Ukraine: Taiwan is an island and South Korea is essentially an island. That means cutting their SLOC will be enough to enforce a total media blackout. This also warns the PLA leadership that a total media blackout is 100% necessary to eliminate enemy morale and grant maximum freedom of action.
Taiwan is also less than 6% of the size of Ukraine. It will be hard to deny something happening outside your window, next door, or the block down your street. France is smaller than Ukraine for comparison.


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LMAO this video says chinese economy are collapsing and way worse than russian before they invade ukraine

is he only watch falungong media?
I just ignore and skip the economic and political shenanigans. When it comes to Western explanations about international economics and politics, I usually zone out.


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That column is most likely a patrol to initiate contact with Ukranian forces.
Maybe they are trying to take the Malyshev factory without destroying it, hence the restraint?

Is this a vehicle from the same column in video that I replied to a couple page back?

Looks so foolhardy throwing away lives like this. Russians may not have total air superiority but some air support Mi-24s or drones in kharkiv which is so close to the border should go a long way? Or maybe some ground recon first?

That said seems like they entered Kharkiv center on a speedrun per other posts. but why did they need to lose that vehicle and its crew like that.


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Kiev is saying in total 30,000 AKs were handed out. There were many funny business with the whole handing out and trying to get them back, with cases like someone getting a AK-74 and then later handing back an AK-74U. It's suspected even if Kiev is taken we will never know how many guns are in circulation in civilian hands.


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What "Good Ole' Days"? The only mutual defense treaty the PRC ever signed was with North Korea.

The Good Ole' Days:

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Article 1: The two Contracting Parties undertake to carry out jointly all necessary measures within their power to prevent a repetition of aggression and breach of the peace by Japan or any other State which might directly or indirectly join with Japan in acts of aggression. Should either of the Contracting Parties be attacked by Japan or by States allied with Japan and thus find itself in a state of war, the other Contracting Party shall immediately extend military and other assistance with all the means at its disposal.

Sounds like a mutual defense treaty to me. Same language used in PRC-DPRK, US-ROK, and US-JPN MDTs.

For reference, the

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Article 2: The Contracting Parties undertake jointly to adopt all measures to prevent aggression against either of the Contracting Parties by any state. In the event of one of the Contracting Parties being subjected to the armed attack by any state or several states jointly and thus being involved in a state of war, the other Contracting Party shall immediately render military and other assistance by all means at its disposal.
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james smith esq

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It is the same propaganda that tired to drive a wedge between Russia and China, Putin and his people, Putin and his advisors, Putin and his inner circle, and of course the projection and perception that the war isn't going well for Putin and the campaign is behind schedule with lot of casualties. In the end, what matter is the outcome and we will know by another week or two.
Dude, if you want to do analysis, write a thesis. I didn’t ask you to tell me what it was!

This is how these threads go wrong. You ain’t no senior analyst, and probably aren’t even an expert reader. Your opinion is unqualified, express it as such!


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A couple light armor vehicles followed by trucks. No heavy armor or APC in that convoy. I'll be surprise if that unit survives. I wonder if they got lost and somewhere ended up there.

Russia's execution of this war is baffling and hugely disappointing.
What's puzzling to me is why are they trying to push hard into Kharkiv, or other cities that are fortified. They should have learned from their mistakes in the 90s.
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