Russian KamAZ truck in Kharkiv.
Russian KamAZ truck in Kharkiv.
It is the same propaganda that tired to drive a wedge between Russia and China, Putin and his people, Putin and his advisors, Putin and his inner circle, and of course the projection and perception that the war isn't going well for Putin and the campaign is behind schedule with lot of casualties. In the end, what matter is the outcome and we will know by another week or two.The times has had some very interesting coverage regarding Putin this week!
A couple light armor vehicles followed by trucks. No heavy armor or APC in that convoy. I'll be surprise if that unit survives. I wonder if they got lost and somewhere ended up there.Aaaaaand it's gone
China must learn the absolute lesson of Ukraine: the narrative is half the battle.I think Putin was trying to avoid a nasty bloodbath that would create lasting animosity. He was hoping that there would be many Ukrainians who would want to get rid of the Kiev Nazis just as much as him. But alas, as the war progressed, this was a naïve hope.
Putin had seriously underestimated the extent of Russophobia and facism in Ukraine. Years of Western brainwashing, and 8 years of a civil war with ethnic Russians have certainly done its work. Anti-Russian bigotry and facism is very much rampant among the Ukrainian populace, especially in the Western side of the country. Now he has to listen to his generals. At this point, he has to finish this war with victory, no matter the cost. It is sad, but this is war. Putin has to end this 8 year proxy war in Ukraine. War was going to come to Russia anyway if Putin had left the Ukrainian Nazis to fester even further.
The same kinda thing happened to China too during the 2019 Hong Kong riots. China was hoping that saner HKgers would eventually tamper things down. But the Sinophobia in HK was much greater than anticipated. Practically half of HK was anti-China, and this gave massive momentum to riots. People are much easier to brainwash than China had hoped. Only by implementing the harsh National Security Law, China was able to get HK back in control.
The lessons of this Russian war with Ukraine must be heeded by China. A military invasion of Taiwan is gonna be more complicated than anticipated. Winning the hearts and minds of a brainwashed Taiwanese populace is not gonna be easy. They are not gonna greet the PLA as liberators, even when the PLA are actually liberating Taiwan. As this war had shown, war is messy and bloody. China should start considering using its own flavour of Color Revolution or coup d'etat to change the regime in Taiwan. Leave war as the absolute last resort.
LMAO this video says chinese economy are collapsing and way worse than russian before they invade ukraineHoly s**t. What's with all this political bickering? Can you all do this in a separate thread?
Now, back to the topic on hand, I found a channel that has been keeping track and organizing the progress of both sides:
I only looked at the most recent video, but it seems to be pretty accurate.
China has a massive advantage over 2/3 potential hotspots that Russia doesn't have over Ukraine: Taiwan is an island and South Korea is essentially an island. That means cutting their SLOC will be enough to enforce a total media blackout. This also warns the PLA leadership that a total media blackout is 100% necessary to eliminate enemy morale and grant maximum freedom of action.btw off china ever go to war in the future, we can expect the same type of propaganda on social media, probably worst. This is good practice to learn to deal with it, at least for me,
May I ask, what's in there?