Ukrainian War Developments

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reservior dogs

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is it me or is no one even in the western media know what Ukraine need to do to win the war? like no one seem to have an end goal. like what is the strategy to even push back the Russian? i am also surprise in a military forum people talk more about the politic than the military hardware and tactics of the war....
There is no way to victory for Ukraine, but they can make things more costly for the Russians. This requires stationing enough trained troops in the city and preparation. If they fortify the city, it could be a nightmare for the Russian troops. Unfortunately, it seems they are not doing either.

james smith esq

Senior Member
Registered Member
is it me or is no one even in the western media know what Ukraine need to do to win the war? like no one seem to have an end goal. like what is the strategy to even push back the Russian? i am also surprise in a military forum people talk more about the politic than the military hardware and tactics of the war....
The only thing I can figure is that the bulk of Ukrainian armor and artillery is being held back in the west until Russian forces have been degraded and stretched and western arms support have been distributed. Otherwise, I see nothing!


Registered Member
A China invasion of Taiwan will be like nothing the world have ever see since WW2, in that war, in the heat of the war the quality of life of the Taiwaniese will go from one of the best to absolute misery . Putin has been tame with this like he is giving a chance to a negotiation or maybe giving the population a opportunity to escape to avoid causalities, most of the figths has been just skirmishes, the problem is that looks like now the Russians are gradually rising the heat, now they are blowing up infrastructure something that they not did from the beginning, i am surprised the the lights are still on in Kiev, there is chance that the situation escalate from bad to terrifying.
Exactly. China is learning valuable lessons from the Russian frustrations in Ukraine. It is good that China is learning them now through Russia, and not directly. Indeed, Russia should've learned this from the US experience in Vietnam and the reversal of that in Desert Storm.

Those lessons are:

1. control the media and if not, make sure the media reports little to nothing at all. In Vietnam, it was very demoralizing to see US troops on tape being captured by Viet Cong or North Vietnamese soldiers and it made them ashamed to see war crimes committed by their troops. In Desert Storm they learned to silence opposition media and amplify their own.

2. don't hold back at the start. negotiations are for before the war or after the war, not during.

3. hitting infrastructure is key.

These critical Russian mistakes might have cost them alot more than the direct value of their military losses.


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There is no way to victory for Ukraine, but they can make things more costly for the Russians. This requires stationing enough trained troops in the city and preparation. If they fortify the city, it could be a nightmare for the Russian troops. Unfortunately, it seems they are not doing either.
most likely will be a PR victory for Ukraine
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