More sanction on Russia only pushes Russia into China's orbit.
You're right for now, but what if Russia's economy sink to Iran level with an increasingly dissatisfied population? It is not unimaginable some sort of color revolution might occur. I can imagine there is a long queue of traitors waiting to be the next Western backed puppets, Putin is able to control it for now but for how long?
You can't compare Russia to China, CPC has strong internal institution and cohesion and largely patriotic population, Russia has ......Putin
What’s the point of exception to only selling gas for $ , if Russia can’t use it to buy stuffs from other nations. Toilet paper is better than $ or € in this situationIt is mentioned on the reply that major bank was excluded from SWIFT sanctions (so EU can pay their gas and oil). This is what made me sceptical rule based orders. The rule makers (or their friend) keep adding exceptions for their own. Others be damned
So far, what I see was a limited number of Russian banks already on the sanction list kicked out of SWIFT. they are leaving other bigger banks alone so they can pay for the oil import from Russia. A lot of thunder, a few drops of rain. We will see if this scope gets revised in the future.I'll say this, the west kicking Russia out of SWIFT is a dumb move. It would be the ultimate joke if Germany is forced to buy Russian gas with Chinese payment system
l feel pity for the Russians and not cold calculus.Unlike Iran, Russia shared a land border with China. Russia is a major energy exporter, China is a major energy importer. I see no reason why the Russian economy can't simply hitch a ride on the Chinese economy.
Kills me when idiotic people think asking nicely will change something like this. "Mr. Putin could you kindly remove your troops from Ukraine?"
Peace loving "democratic" and "free" Western Ukrainians seems to think it is a good idea to have RUSSIAN COMMERCIAL PLANES fly around these nutjob countries otherwise THEY WILL BE DESTROYED.![]()