Ukrainian War Developments

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In my humble opinion, the bigger picture of the ultimate Russian & Chinese goals are:

1. prove that a country already occupied by u.s. nato forces can be freed with Chinese and Russian help...already proven in Afghanistan.

2. prove even a country can successfully defeat u.s. nato intervention with Russian and Chinese help...already proven in Syria.

3. u.s. nato economic sanctions won't harm you with China and Russia on your side...already proven in Afghanistan and Iran.

4. u.s. nato won't protect you with their own forces against Russia or China...getting proven in ukraine and taiwan as we speak.

5. u.s. nato won't protect you against Russia and China even if you are a nato member...yet to be proven but I suspect that after ukraine has been subdued, this goal will be proven by targeting estonia and latvia.

street goal 5 is achieved, you can consider nato as dead.


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i have a little question for ukraine people "all the colour revolutions and maidan square heroes what relief have carried to your miserable lives?" Your country is on the verge of disappearance and swift sanctions to Russia will not save you from a long russian occupation and more and more miserable life. Be sure of that


Lieutenant General
If Hitler stopped at France, we might view him very differently today.

My point was, Putin wants to annex Ukarian like Hitler counquered France and annexed czech republic (a brotherly war, avoid civilian death if possible). This is totally different from Hitler's invasion of Soviet Union, which is basically ethnic cleasing of the local population.
Not really Russia has the right to demand security around her perimeter just like US does with Monroe doctrine Last time Soviet attempt to station missile in cuba result in blockade and close to WW III


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True but this: a crippled Russia would shift the balance of power too far in favor of West/NATO vs CN.
Russia’s strategic situation is Iran-like international situation with reliance on China for the foreseeable future and china will get a limitless supply of ridiculously cheap energy and resources from a desperate Russia for the next decades. Internal repression is going to increase like in NK. Just terrible

Not to mention increased likelihood of someone like Navalny taking control, this is the worse case scenario for China: Russia falling. Therefore even if China does not support the war, China will still bail out Russia if things goes south.

I think Putin is stupid to start it, but now I can only wish for a quick and decisive victory for Russia.


Registered Member
Not to mention increased likelihood of someone like Navalny taking control, this is the worse case scenario for China: Russia falling. Therefore even if China does not support the war, China will still bail out Russia if things goes south.

I think Putin is stupid to start it, but now I can only wish for a quick and decisive victory for Russia.
Navalny has about as much chance of taking control by booting Putin out as Joshua Wong has of replacing Xi


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View attachment 83776
The "stable geniuses" of Europe seem to really want World War III :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Thank you dear Neocon/Neolib US for bringing us to this point. I also want to thank my fellow European compatriots that helped the Neocon/Neolib US get the world to this point.
At this point it's all about ego and saving face than solving the actual problem, which is all the more tragic when Ukrainians are literally dying every second becuase these arm-wavers don't want to hand the win to Putin and look weak to their fellow cohorts... 'else their JOBS and STATUSES are on the line, dead Ukrainians be damned.


Registered Member
Russia dumped the dollar from the Central Bank reserves, and then mostly replaced that with a big increase of Euro assets lol.
He was foolish enough that he trusted the EU. Time to pay for this now

"In addition to expulsion from SWIFT, Biden is now considering sanctions on Russia’s Central Bank (50% assets in US$ & Euro), which would likely cause the ruble to crash. Perhaps the Biden WH is coming around to adopting the hard-hitting sanctions it should have imposed days ago."


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Who would put economic sanctions on the US? China? China has a lot of assets in the US that the US could "acquire" not to mention the $1.1 trillion portion of our national debt ($234 billion to Taiwan) we could write off. It would be in the interest of both countries to just let Taiwan remain Taiwan. Everybody wins that way.
You can’t just write off Government debt like that. Who would buy future US Government bonds if Uncle Sam just says forget it bro !!!! How would government issue new currency to finance its fiscal deficit or fund future wars?? Its all about trust. Once this trust is gone, US credit rating will be -CCC for AAA.
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