It's doable.yeah like rare metal easily replace able?
It's doable.yeah like rare metal easily replace able?
Main thing was all supply line was within the USA , and all manufacturing was there.I don't see how the situation is comparable. The U.S. was the premier economic and technological power during its occupation of Japan, Iraq, and SK. No one placed any tech embargoes or economic sanctions against the U.S.
If he gets the results he got I don't care if a Magic 8-Ball told him what to do. Results are what counts.Trump is irrational and makes decision based on gut instead of logic
The fact that you said it was interesting implies that it may have some sort of influence in this situation. Otherwise, why post it?I never said that it would. That's all you.
UntilMain thing was all supply line was within the USA , and all manufacturing was there.
That is not the case any more.
Russia is like the USA prior of 2nd WW, self sufficient, has direct borders far away from any harm with the biggest factory of the world.
At the moment the USA importing big part of its energy, and nearly all indsutry depends on import.
Means the position of the USA is more similar to the position of Japan prior of the 2nd WW than to the pre war USA.
Takes nothing else just double/triple the number of industrial workers. Good luck for that.Easily replaced. It would take time but plenty of skilled workers in the US and Europe.
It implies nothing of the sort. It implies I thought it was interesting, nothing less, nothing more. Those are all US aircraft.The fact that you said it was interesting implies that it may have some sort of influence in this situation. Otherwise, why post it?
All in due timeRussia must now stop immediately every gas forniture to europe.