You spelled "Predator B" wrong. LOLImagine if Russia has tons of MALE drones like Wing Loong 2. That'd be sick taking out Ukrainians left and right.
Agreed. Russia is a laggard in UAV technology. Russia has recon drones, but lack up to date UCAVs. Their Orion UAV that only recently entered service in 2020 is roughly comparable to the MQ1 Predator.
Heavier UCAVs like the Wing Loong 2 would have been able to do many of the minor CAS, and air interdiction operations in Ukraine. These would have been able to recon for hours, attack Ukrainian artillery positions, and attack targets of opportunity. UCAVs do have a fear factor, as we have seen in the Nagorno-Karabakh War. These drones can also force the Ukrainians use MANPADS against them, instead of Russian manned aircraft.
Russia should have been more open to importing some Chinese drones to fill up their glaring gap in UCAV. Instead, Russia chose to go local, and the gap was never addressed until this war started. Hubris can become costly in war.
I believe the Russians took the approach of "we are liberating you from your oppressors approach", thereby restricting their own ROE. This is evidenced by their relatively precise strikes and lack of firepower used in the cities that bogged down Russian and Donbas forces. In addition, they most likely underestimated the Ukrainian military's capabilities and overestimated their own (particularly the Donbas troops); this is evidenced by the evidence on social media. This is kind of similar to the Afghanistan War despite its COIN nature: the US ran into the country and claim to fight against terrorism and bring liberty and democracy to the Afghans to prevent terrorism while looking down on the Taliban, thereby constricting their ROE (can't kill the civilians that they claim to liberate) and overlooking the Taliban's strength and tenacity.That's what I've been saying all along. If Putin believes that the crimes of the Ukrainians are so heinous that they deserve to be wiped from the map at worst and regime change at best, it should be a gloves off no bars held all out assault. Instead he is doing a middle of the road attack, which makes him look indecisive and could potentially hobble military action.
You bet. China must have been watching and recording everything with a great interest. In a few years, China will be sure to learn from all the parties in both sides of this event.Hope Xi is taking notes on this mistake
What happened after the USA occupation of Japan/Iraq/SK ect? How it played out long term ?What happened after the German occupation of France? How did it turn out? What is the legacy of the leader who okayed that decision? Is this what Putin wants for his legacy?
What happened after the USA occupation of Japan/Iraq/SK ect? How it played out long term ?
Winners writing the history.