Ukrainian War Developments

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Hard not to when said "brother" gangs up with outside bullies against you cos you took his "toys" so now to him "family" means shit, all these years growing up together as siblings means shit.

That's what I've been saying all along. If Putin believes that the crimes of the Ukrainians are so heinous that they deserve to be wiped from the map at worst and regime change at best, it should be a gloves off no bars held all out assault. Instead he is doing a middle of the road attack, which makes him look indecisive and could potentially hobble military action.

james smith esq

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Xi is far far smarter than Putin. The usual western delusional people think that Xi is an idiot or a low IQ person.

Joke on them though, no General Party Secretary is an idiot, and doubly so when passing Anti-Corruption, SCS, Trade War, Covid successfully.

He may seem slow but the moment he calculates that he has the upper hand he will utterly demolish you. His political acumen and strategic vision are simply incredible
You are incorrect! Xi, is far, far smarter than Putin!


This is not about gaining more territory. As John Mearsheimer said, a nation with global hegemonic ambition like the U.S. will never tolerate another independent power, especially one as big as Russia. So if they tolerated Ukraine turning West and killing off all the ethnic Russians in Ukraine, the next step is the break up of Russia. This is zero sum game of strategic competition. Maybe it won't happen tomorrow, but someday when Russia is weak, we would gun for the break up of Russia. Putin saw a chance to push back against the U.S. and he seized this opportunity. Unlike Erdogan, who appear to not understand resource constrains when he try to expand the Turkic sphere of influence, Putin understands the economic limitation of his country. Just look at his past wars with Syria, for example. He was very careful with limiting the scope of the wars.

Russia is a resource state. Putin did his best to change the economy but at the end of the day, they have been mainly selling resources and weapons. They are losing the weapons trade. There is no chance that Russia will become a manufacturing power like China. If they continue to ally with China, there is no need for them to become a manufacturing nation. Canada lives very well not doing much manufacturing. As such, the longer term implication of blocking them out of SWIFT would be dire for the U.S. and Europe. If the resource market were mainly from the West, I don't think he would have these wars, but being able to sell to the Chinese gave him this option.

National security always trumps economics. I think Putin tried to secure his nation from being screwed with by the West with these wars. Maybe Russia will not fall while he is still in charge, but you have to ensure that to be the case even if another Gobachev were to come to power in the future.
True but this: a crippled Russia would shift the balance of power too far in favor of West/NATO vs CN.
Russia’s strategic situation is Iran-like international situation with reliance on China for the foreseeable future and china will get a limitless supply of ridiculously cheap energy and resources from a desperate Russia for the next decades. Internal repression is going to increase like in NK. Just terrible


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That's what I've been saying all along. If Putin believes that the crimes of the Ukrainians are so heinous that they deserve to be wiped from the map at worst and regime change at best, it should be a gloves off no bars held all out assault. Instead he is doing a middle of the road attack, which makes him look indecisive and could potentially hobble military action.
Honestly, if they just went full in and finished this within 2 days at most then the problem would've been a whole lot less. The longer they stall, the worst it will get for the russians.
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