Ukrainian War Developments

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it is well known that Americans call Russians "Asian" as an insult dating back to General Patton. But Ukrainians, they're now "white" because they're aspiring to join EU/NATO and thus are "European whites".

So you have a case of what they consider an "Asian" country invading a "white" one. That is why it is so outrageous to them mentally and why they are overdosing on copium right now. This cartoon was supposed to be a satire against racism, but turned out to be a great descriptor of racism.


reservior dogs

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Playing devils advocate. What are the chances that this become a worse case scenario for china where Russia loses this conflict, Putin is overthrown abs a pro west puppet is installed?
Zero, Russia has control of the air and superior forces. Any large troop movements on the Ukraine side will be destroyed via air or canons. So far, it seems they are very restrained in use of force, trying not to destroy the cities that they encircled. If they wish, they can completely devastate the Ukrainian arm forces.


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Now we're seeing the effects of cluster/MLRS/air-strikes on Ukrainian formations in the open... That's what it looks like when entire formations 'evaporate' from the board. Some of these vehicles may look 'abandoned' but they were probably hit by cluster munitions which cripples the vehicle without necessarily blowing it up. I wonder if they used sensor-fuzed submunitions.

The Russians have clearly learned a lot since the first Chechen War. Look at the tank in the background (T-72?). Infantry is flanking it on all sides covering all the angles.
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