Ukrainian War Developments

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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
If the news comes from official Ukrainian sources, probably wait until there's outside confirmation. Like from OSINT.
At the very start, they could be accurate.

But they're losing and it's very tempting for them to make things up for propaganda and morale purposes.
I have read more than one report that Russia has taken Kherson several hours ago.
This is just a repeat of those bogus Ukr claims they had taken back the Antonov airport near Kiev from Russian paratroopers IMHO.
From my experience over past two days you should completely ignore Ukr reports. They are worse than Bagdad Bob.
Don't believe any report without photographic evidence and even then it needs to be analyzed with a critical attitude.


Staff member
Super Moderator
I have read more than one report that Russia has taken Kherson several hours ago.
This is just a repeat of those bogus Ukr claims they had taken back the Antonov airport near Kiev from Russian paratroopers IMHO.
From my experience over past two days you should completely ignore Ukr reports. They are worse than Bagdad Bob.
Don't believe any report without photographic evidence and even then it needs to be analyzed with a critical attitude.

Worse than Baghdad Bob? They are even worse than Jai Hind, by several magnitudes. At least Indians had the decency to say that they only shot down one enemy aircraft, not 6 with no loss.


Senior Member
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I think they are moving ICBMs into Moscow, as Moscow is under the protection of A-135 anti-ballistic missile system, with nuclear tipped interceptors.

Remember, the US counterpart built during the cold war was dedicated to protect the US ICBM silo fields. Moving mobile ICBM under the ABM umbrella here achieves the same result.
Another reason is to change the location of the launchers, making it more difficult to neutralize. A silo, for example, has the disadvantage of being fixed, but a mobile launcher has the "stealth" feature of changing positions, making its geolocation more work for the enemy OSINT.


Junior Member
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Even the advanced technology part has an asterisk next to it. The majority of equipment in the US army's military is cold war era. F-15s, F-16s, Blackhawks, Abrams tanks are all from the 70s. And their logicistical platforms...LOL.

Plus all of their recent wars have been against massively unsupported enemies. Was there even a single instance in Iraq or Afghanistan of insurgents using MANPADs? No, they only faced AKs, RPGs and IEDs, and they still lost.

The next country NATO decides to invade China and Russia should give MANPADS, drones and other modern equipment to level the playing field.
I'll bet NATO has never heard of MANPADs and drones. Sun Tzu would be envious of your advice.

james smith esq

Senior Member
Registered Member
I have read more than one report that Russia has taken Kherson several hours ago.
This is just a repeat of those bogus Ukr claims they had taken back the Antonov airport near Kiev from Russian paratroopers IMHO.
From my experience over past two days you should completely ignore Ukr reports. They are worse than Bagdad Bob.
Don't believe any report without photographic evidence and even then it needs to be analyzed with a critical attitude.
Thanks, cuz I really don know how to interpret information. I really believed Putin when he said he wasn’t going to invade Ukraine!
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