Ukrainian War Developments

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I'm starting to realize that American air power is based on two things:

1. Advanced technology.
2. A ruthless willingness to inflict was much collateral damage as necessary to achieve their military objective.
1. Superior forces.
2. Superior Sensory awareness.
3. Superior Technology.
4. Superior firepower.
5. Unfair advantage (Awacs, EW)

Shock and awe. It doesnt only destroy physical enemies, but destroy morale too.


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The EU are just a bunch of poodles. They will get behind every single US initiative and sanction. You will see.
When the EU rejected the trade deal with China their position became plainly obvious for all to see.
NATO still has not realized Putin is playing this for real. He said a rollback of NATO to 1995 positions. Dismantling of AEGIS Ashore. They still think he is kidding. They are convincing themselves they are secure behind Article 5. Here it is.

"Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all".
"And consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area."

Notice. "Such action as it deems necessary". This is why Lavrov said Article 5 was not the ironclad defense clause a lot of people assume it to be.

The US better start talking with the Russians on dismantling AEGIS Ashore.
This understanding of Article 5 of NATO under the extension of Article 51 of the UN is clearly illegitimate. Furthermore, I highly doubt the ability of other members to support each other if a country is attacked when NATO calls for Article 5, we have seen this happen over time.


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Some thoughts before the dawn of day three.

1. The disinformation is all over the place. Remaining skeptical and not jumping to conclusions remains really important. Likewise, not just agreeing with someone because it fits our preconceived notions is pretty important, too.

2. The Russians have made more progress today. Still not as much as I would have expected, especially from the southern, seemingly relatively unopposed army units. However, still, 2nd day. Need to chill.

3. WTF is the Russian air force? The Ukrainians are still in the air. Even if the Russians are being careful to minimize casualties, they really ought to have swept the Ukrainians from the skies. That's absolutely not the case.

4. Lack of UAVs is really, really telling. The Georgians used them when they faced off with the RUssians and they were quite effective. One of the take aways from the conflict was the Russians needed to work on their own. That's the origin of the Orion and Ohotnik. The persistent and relatively cheap recon would have been a wildly useful. And, yet, as other users have pointed out, all we seem to see are crickets sounds when it comes to the buzzing of the drones.

5. The Russians still had not moved more than 1/2 the forces they had arrayed against the Ukrainians, probably 1/3. I get not committing everything at once, but...I can't help but feel discomfort with this. Overwhelming force has been a military axiom for a long time. With 3x the forces, they could have rolled up Kharkov and the Donbass much faster. yet, again, they have not. Then again, it is only end of day 2.

6. There are hints of some logistics issues for the Russians. They may be false hints, but it might explain why the Russians are not moving as fast as many expected. Then again, still, just 2nd day.

7. The Ukrainians are tenacious. They continue to do far better than what I would have ever thought. It doesn't mean they are not doomed.

8. There are also hints the Russians need to wrap this up. Not today, or even a week from now, but the world is starting to react and if the Americans and Western Europeans dump billions of dollars and Euros of weapons into Ukrainian hands, then with the tenacity of the Ukrainians, assuming they continue to snarl like a rosomakha in the face of medvedi, this could be a serious problem long term for the Russians.

Tomorrow will dawn soon in Kiev. Will Kiev fall? Will the Russians get their roll-up of Ukraine in 72 hours? Will they get it in a week? or...?

Let's see how far the Russians get.
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