Do not use childish principles on the international stage. There is no right or wrong because there is no judge. These are the highest powers in the world doing all they can to vie for an outcome. The West is underhanded; Russia can be more underhanded to beat them. America justifies killing innocent children because the Taliban "made" them do it as if not surrendering is the crime that led the US to commit those attrocities. Same thing applies to Russia; everything they had to do, they did because NATO forced them; it's all NATO's fault. If two wrongs don't make a right, then what's right? Complain about a wrong committed upon you while taking abuse and refuse to defend yourself with similar actions? Two wrongs don't make a right because there is no wrong or right; this is a fight. If your opponent hits, hit harder. If he's vicious, be more vicious. If he's underhanded, be more underhanded. There are no rules. Anything he does, you do better. Win at all costs for your nation and your people. And when it's over, you dictate what was right or wrong in the history books that you write as the winner. That's all there is to it. I support Russia no matter what they have to do and any attrocities committed are the fault of NATO for pushing Russia.I do not support these US invasions
but two wrongs dont make a right
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