Ukrainian War Developments

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james smith esq

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Difficult to know with any certainty, given MSM and other sources, but it may well be that Russian forces have positioned themselves to threaten Kviv, but have paused to throw Ukraine an opportunity. Come to an agreement now, and Kviv and other areas are spared. This is a critical moment within this first phase.
I’d always hoped that Kyiv would be spared. Threatening the Capital, however, is the perfect strategy!


Registered Member
I had a quick look on wanwanese forums, there are two rather amusing sentiments, which are in sharp contrasts:

1 Excitement - each time there's a photo of downed Russian warplane (even fake ones, like the photo from Syria) or destroyed Russian tanks (no way to verify they're actually Russian) there is massive cheer and excitement in the forum, as if mighty Wanwan won the World Cup.
2. Anxiety - US is not coming to the rescue, which suggests a preview of further US non-involvement, say in a wanwan strait scenario.

Emotional roller coaster for those wanwanese.


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If you speak Russian\Ukrainian, then you would see that this invasion has burned any hopes of healing in the near future, at least not until Putin is out of government. Ukrainians absolutely hate Russians right now, even the ones that were mum on Crimea in 2014 and generally pro-Russia.

I am just curious, what is the scope of your observation? Is it because of people with strong opinions are more vocal or is it just very prevalent? Is it possible that the sentiment is also being amplified by western media? Also, is this sentiment also true among ethnic Russians?

There is a video with the person saying/shouting "We've been waiting for you guys since 1991. We've been waiting for 30 years" as a line of armored vehicle drove past. Of course this is a bad sample size, I am just really confused and curious since it seems like you might speak Ukrainian/Russian.


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While you are right, there is nothing that couldn't be solved with time. Especially as long as Russia doesn't cause any large-scale civilian casualities and could deliver social-political and economic gains post-conflict. Frankly, existing Ukrainian institutions have already made that job easier for Putin.
Russia could not deliver economic gains even for itself, lmao. It does not matter whether the civilian casualties are large-scale or not - Ukraine is a rather modern country where people have access to gadgets and the Internet, every casualty will be spread widely and amplified.
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