Ukrainian War Developments

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It is the geography, comrade. The roads are straight, because it is all flat like the parries provinces of Canada. Just great plains. No jungles like Vietnam, no hills and mountains like Korea.

No place to do an ambush, hit and run style, lol.


Actually, I-raq was all flat too, but they still managed to do the ambush with the IED.

They were able to do that because the people who planted the bomb melted back into the civilian population.

Here in the Ukraine they cannot do that, because there are no people.

Also, there is too force coming at them at the moment. They should surrender.

Not to mention it took years before the Iraqis were able to mount a meaningful insurgency.

reservior dogs

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I don't think it will change the strategy any more than Afghanistan did.

In the short term, it will be interesting to see how China approaches the Taiwan issue. Escalating the conflict right now with military exercises for example would be massively beneficial to Russia, keeping things quiet for now will benefit America.
What the Chinese will do near Taiwan depends entirely on if NATO will get involved militarily. If they don't, there is no need to flex muscles in Taiwan.


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It's only been a day. They might be keeping reserves (haven't seen any T-90s columns yet). But they should definitely focus on relieving the VDV troops near Kiev
Maybe, i just wanted to emphasise that war is an important thing. Its not something to play with.

Its a life or death matter. You either stay home or you go all in. Half-measures are not acceptable. Its just that I am sensing that Russia is treating this lightly which could be a recipe of a disaster


Registered Member
US is responsible for this unnecessary tragedy for poking the bear too many times.

The United States wanted to regime change everybody they do not like, and they still want to regime change everybody.

Now someone else does the regime change, and they protest?

If they say they do not like it, that is one thing.

But to say that this not following the rules, that is absurd.

Russia gave a taste of American medicine to the Ukraine and the Americans did not like it.

Most people will laugh at the America reaction to this war.

As President Trump said the other day, his friend Putin was, "very savvy."



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Got to admit, I do not like what Putin did. Then again, if this is a limited military action, like when Deng invaded Vietnam, then he did the right thing.

The war, it will come and go, because it is that one-sided.

The fog of war does not apply to the war in this case, it applies to the peace afterwards. That is too hard to see right now.
Good thing that Ukrainian people will get rid of neonazis who took control of the country through a colour revolution.
They first focused to purge communist elements, communist party and leftist organisations, workers unions, and destroyed everything related to the soviet past. They litterally executed the communist leaders of DPR by "car accident" and restaurant bombing. Anyway best wishes to the innocent people of Ukraine who suffers because of gas and electricity
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