Ukrainian War Developments

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Following a bunch of international news channels (Euronews, AL Jazeera, CGTN, RT live) to get as many different views and perspectives from this Russian operation/invasion of Ukraine. One of the discussions that I just finished watching on France 24 English was a discussion about the energy sector/price or crude oil nearing $100 barrel. One of the guest was a fellow from Saudi Arabia (Salman AL-ANSARI, President of SAPRAC) was asked about his views on the current situation and where does Saudi Arabia stand on this Russia situation.

The Arab guy first placed a disclaimer that he was speaking as a citizen of KSA and not speaking on behalf or of the KSA gov't. He then proceeded to lay blame the violence of the situation at the feet of both parties (Russia, Ukraine) but said that Ukraine was left to ignore the Minsk agreement without any strong push or assitance from the EU countries to which at this point, the host immediately interrupted the guest, sidestep the answer/issue just so he can segway another question which was if Saudi Arabia is prepared to help alleviate the energy crisis by pumping more oil since the U.S. will be releasing another set of strategic oil reserves to help offset the certainty of high gas prices at the pump. But the Arab analyst again went off script and basically called out the U.S. first by saying that wherever America needs help they seem to expect their supposed strategic allies like Saudi Arabia to answer their beck and call whenever, wherever, and to whomever even if they are used political tool to serve the political interests of America.

For example, America blamed KSA on climate change during the climate meeting only for Biden to call KSA a week later requesting for Saudi to pump more crude oil into the market. This is after Biden allegedly killed the U.S. shale industries with it's policy. He also mentioned the fact that this latest round of "special sanctions" will actually spare the NORDSTREAM 2 pipeline and that Germany will not sever itself from Russia invasion or no invasion. This response yet again illicited an immediate quick divergent from the host as to ensure the audience wouldn't start questioning the narrative being wrtitten by the western elites. That episode and narrative control was quite revealing to say the least.
Did the Arab guy ever answer the question on if the KSA will help with oil prices?

because if he didn’t then that likely means there isn’t any more oil or gas supply left. It also means if Russia cuts Europe off then that means in order to fill European orders they would have to cut supply going to other countries.


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So far, I am not seeing the big stuff like cutting Russia off from SWIFT or even stop or reduce buying gas from them. Sanctioning some individuals and reduce high tech export is pretty mild stuff if that is all that they can do. Some programs inside Russia will be delayed. They will find some substitutes.
Most analysts I've read do not expect sanctions on Russia's oil and gas exports to Europe in the near future. Russia is also unlikely to sever the exports itself.


Registered Member
So far, I am not seeing the big stuff like cutting Russia off from SWIFT or even stop or reduce buying gas from them. Sanctioning some individuals and reduce high tech export is pretty mild stuff if that is all that they can do. Some programs inside Russia will be delayed. They will find some substitutes.
That’s because they need Russian energy and they can’t pay for that energy if they kick Russia out of swift. It’s not like they can trade gold bars for gas lol.

reservior dogs

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I cannot emphasise enough how important is for China that the West kicks Russia out of SWIFT. It would be the beginning of the end for financial empire of the US

"EU officials tell me: At this point Germany and Italy are the main opponents for disconnecting russia from swift and this "key to decision" depends on them. And they are pressured to agree."
Yes, it will be interesting to see how deep EU can be coerced into cutting their own throat. They have stopped Nordstream II, but will they be willing to burn their own furniture to keep warm for the U.S.?


Senior Member
Is cutting Russia from SWIFT really a realistic thing? I have heard from different sources in media that it's extremely unlikely they will do it and also Russia will treat that as declaration of war. Based on these, it doesn't seem possible to happen unless WW3?


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I cannot emphasise enough how important is for China that the West kicks Russia out of SWIFT. It would be the beginning of the end for financial empire of the US

"EU officials tell me: At this point Germany and Italy are the main opponents for disconnecting russia from swift and this "key to decision" depends on them. And they are pressured to agree."
You are so right. This will be a major hit to the dollar/euro/petrol complex.

People your guesses.

What happens next?

I think Putin will try to impose a puppet pro-Russian government if Ukraine loose this war. Do you think NATO will engage on full scale?


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Reporter: "Pres. Biden you said big nations cannot bluff [...] Are you prepared to sanction Putin personally?"

Biden: "It's not a bluff. It's on the table."

Reporter: "Why not sanction him today, sir?"

Biden: *silent* *points to next reporter*
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