Ukrainian War Developments

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This thread is quickly devolving and getting too off topic in discussing China's political response.

Instead of posting what's happening on the ground, people are busy debating each other on who's side China should take.

It's a waste of time and I don't understand why it's still not clear that China doesn't mind or tacitly approves what Russia is doing since both have become de-facto allies in the face of their common enemy.

Superpowers make the rules as they see fit. It's how it's always being.


If international law and principles do not matter, then why is China neutral at UNSC and doesn't openly support Russia?
I am not going to sugarcoat what Russia did is imperialism. However, if you think for a second that the so called international law and principles have any meaningful values except from keeping great powers going after each other's throat, then I have a bridge to sell you.

If China is some what weak during Hong Kong riot, do you think those Western powers would hesitate and intervene and even invade China in the pretext of human rights. What justifications did the US have to invade Panama, Cuba, Iraq etc, none whatsoever. What justifications did the great powers have to hand over China northeast to Japan, none whatsoever.

james smith esq

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I think this might be relevant to the heated, side-debate, we have going on, here!

Chinese media accidentally posts CCP rules on Russia-Ukraine coverage

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My opinion is that the official position neither dictate our personal logic nor compel our personal expressions!
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Junior Member
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If international law and principles do not matter, then why is China neutral at UNSC and doesn't openly support Russia?
Because... you'll upset the EU nations years or a decade earlier than otherwise.
Also makes it easier for the United States to rally countries to impose sanctions and tech bans.
Years before the Chinese economy has the level of high tech development to weather it out.

Even if relations are in a death spiral, hastening it for meaningless words is stupid. Anything with Russia can be done behind the scenes.
If hostilities are inevitable, wouldn't you rather it be in 2040 than in 2030?


Junior Member
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If international law and principles do not matter, then why is China neutral at UNSC and doesn't openly support Russia?

I don't understand why your views are so controversial in this thread.

When I did my degree in International Relations, one of the first things we were taught is that there's no "true" or "correct" way to analyse any empirical situation. Different ways to intepret the same situation are precisely that - merely different theoretical approaches which all have their own merits and limitations and can rarely be directly compared against each other.

While most users here clearly prefer a realist viewpoint, it does not and will never delegitimize advocates for institutionalism and neoliberalism.

I'd rather this thread no longer be infested with what are essentially irresolvable debates between which method of analysis is most correct. It's an exercise in futility and in my humble opinion, getting quite irritating.
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