Ukrainian War Developments

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@Phead128 Why should we care about international law? Does international law protect China or do DF-41s protect China?

The Ukrainian foreign minister is currently whining to the UN General Assembly, pathetically begging others to fight his fight for him. You would undoubtedly find that riveting viewing.

Wasn't MMT (Modern Money Theory) that said debts don't matter to nations only to corporations and households? The same or similar applies to International Law... in that by definition the only means of "enforcement" ultimately stems from military power, or the ability and will of one nation to subject/impose its will unto another nation. The only real law is the laws of physics. In China's case, East Wind nuclear physics
China once trusted international law- even the ones written by white europeans, you know what that led to? white europeans blithely giving chinese territory formerly the colonial holdings of Imperial Germany, to Imperial Japan.
From then on, it became readily apparent that the world of the white europeans and their anglo heirs would only heed the Final Argument of Kings: Cannons.


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No, I admit to supporting an Anti-Imperialism narrative (whether American or Russian).

I wish you wouldn't take my response as personal, also I dislike repeating myself, but your criticism of Russian actions is serving the interest of the Westoids. Russia is China's ally in its efforts to resist Westoid imperialism. If you are for the benefit of China and support the spirit of Neutrality, you should at least keep your criticism of Russia to yourself. Tell us a good reason why it is a good idea to bad mouth a friend who helps you against someone who wants to burn down your house?

Russia-China are strongly aligned, not allies. There is no formal treaty alliance between Russia and China, so I don't need to blindly support every single Russian action like a blind bot.

Countries don't need to have an official treaty to be considered allies. You are applying too much legal terms here, what I mean by an ally is that Russia is on China's side in its struggle against Westoid Imperialism. And you do not need to support Russian actions, but supporting Ukraine even after they backstabbed China in favor of America is an Abnormal behavior.

There is nothing wrong to support a friend economically, but China should never openly support Russia's actions and stay neutral at UNSC. It's too obvious brazen actions.

I never advocated for China to openly support Russia, where are you getting this idea from? What China is doing right now is excellent. Notice how China is not making derogatory comments in relation to Russian actions? Perhaps you should be doing the same if you truly subscribe to the idea of Neutrality. Bashing Russia only serves the interest of Westoid propagandists. Why do you continue this path?

China is already targeted by the West. This is why I support strong alignment with Russia against NATO/West. Doesn't stop me from correctly pointing out legitimate criticism of Russian actions.

How is it a legitimate criticism when you didn't weigh in all factors like NATO expansion closer to Russia's heartland and Ukraine's hostility towards China?

I never cared what West thought of China's neutral stance. China's neutral stance is aimed at the 3rd world (Africa, Southeast Asia, Middle East, etc...), not towards West.

And the Westoids are spreading disinformation in these countries as well through Westoid mainstream media about how China is out to exploit their countries and drown them in debt traps. China's neutral stance won't bring much PR points if China's reputation is smeared 24/7 by Westoid media.

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KMT-ROC was a bigger US puppet than Yelstin's Russia because KMT-ROC was utterly dependent on US aid and donations during WW2. So no, your point is moot.

The KMT receiving donations from US during world war 2 doesn't change the fact that the Yeltsin leadership is a US puppet.

Is there proof that Yelstin or Gorbachev was a "Westeroid Puppet" for recognizing Ukrainian independence in 1989? It's too easy to simply accuse others of being a "Westoid Puppet" without any evidence.

Oh, now you are asking for "Evidence", there are lots of information out there that clearly points out how the US has supported Yeltsin's government. It's easy to see unless you are completely blind to it.


BTW, I'm kind of struggling to find "Evidence" of a certain Joshua Wong being a Westoid puppet, is there information on the internet that will clearly spell out that he works for the interest of the Westoid powers?


But you ignore a third choice:

3. Anti-Imperialism narrative (both US and Russia)

Russia is China's ally (or friend or partner if you prefer these terminologies instead). Russia's actions in its own turf are not at the expense of China's interest. The Westoids on the other hand is hell bent on destabilizing and dismembering China. There is no point in hating Russia or labeling its actions as imperialist.

But it's so convenient that anyone you disagree with, they are "US Puppets", whether it's Yeltsin/Gorbachev, Ukraine, or even myself. It fundamentally is low-effort propaganda effort.

So when someone (Yeltsin, Gorbachev) enact policies that serve the interest of the Westoids instead of their own country, or when the Westoids instigate a coup to install a Pro-Westoid government, (successful in Ukraine, failed in Hong Kong), or when someone parrots Westoid propaganda (aimed towards Russia and China), somehow they are not Westoid Puppets, is there a proper term for such individuals?

So by default, policies and decisions made by weak people you disagree with is "Westeroid puppets" because you disagree with them? There is no good faith argument from you. I can easily accuse anyone of being a "Westeroid puppet" and automatically dismiss their argument.

I didn't label them Westoid puppets because I disagree with them. I call them puppets because they served Westoid interests at the expense of their own country's interests.

Why does everything have to be black-white with you? This situation is incredibly nuanced and complex, but you simply distill it down to: "Puppet vs. Non-Puppets" world view which is incredibly low-effort propaganda.

Low effort propaganda. What makes you think I am spreading propaganda? What do you think is my end goal here?

Ironic, you call Yelstin/Gorbachev as "Westoid puppets", then proceed to call me pushing "Subjective" one-sided arguments. You don't see how ridiculous you sound.

But Yeltsin is a Westoid puppet. Just like Joshua Wong is a Westoid puppet. I dont see whats the problem here except your irrational hatred towards a Chinese ally (or friend) like Russia.

And no, saying "Russian troops crossing and annexing Ukraine is clearly violation of international law" is perfectly objective, not subjective at all.

Why not just keep it to yourself to live up to your golden rule of "Neutrality"? Besides, Ukraine slapped China in the face in favor of the US. Supporting Ukraine after this despicable act is Abnormal.

Yes, I obviously hate white imperialism, whether Russian or American.

Just an excuse to push your anti-Russian narrative which is NOT benefitting China at all but benefits China's Westoid bullies.

I feel like calling out Russian propaganda from yourself to be extremely fulfilling actually.

Really? I find that your affinity to Westoid propaganda is extremely more fulfilling for you. BTW is Russian propaganda aimed against China or the Westoids? Cause I bet you would agree that Westoid Propaganda is directed against both China and Russia. If Russian propaganda is not directed against China, then why are you so affected? You make no sense.

And you don't regurgitate Russian propaganda?

Lets assume I regurgitate Russian propaganda, Is the so-called Genocide in Xinjiang a product of Russian propaganda or Westoid Propaganda? You seem very affected by Russian propaganda when its not targeting China at all. You on the other hand parrot Westoid Propaganda, you know, the same people who bash China 24/7.

What about a third choice:

3. Support nobody's aggression. (e.g., Neutrality)

Neutrality doesn't involve bashing Russia. So just keep it to yourself instead of serving Westoid propaganda efforts.


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Yes, because I regularly (see my 16 years posting history) of hostility towards American imperialism, so I consider myself pretty neutral.

This is justified given America and the rest of the Westoids hostility towards China. Give us a reason why Russia deserves the same hostility from you. Is Russia arming Taiwan? Is Russia constantly whining about oppression of the people of Hong Kong or perhaps the so called Genocide of Uyghurs?

Why don't you go through my 16 years of posts on SDF and look for yourself, instead of assuming I am a "Pro-US shill" because your incapability to elaborate why Russian actions is not imperialism, because it obviously is.

You are parroting Western propaganda narratives against Russia when you have the choice of keeping it to yourself to live up to your belief of "Neutrality".

You mean I am fighting against imperialist propaganda (whether Russia or American). Look at my post history.

You are using this "fight against imperialist propaganda" as an excuse to bash Russia and support Westoid propaganda narratives in the process.

I support China to be neutral at UNSC, but economically support Russia. Why not openly support? It's too brazen and obviously violation of international law.

I am not against or even disputing China's approach to the situation. I don't even advocate for China to openly support Russia. China is just keeping it cool. You should too and keep the Russia bashing to yourself, demonizing Russia only benefits the Westoids, do you want to hand them this pleasure?

I am saying China should stay neutral in UNSC and not openly support Russia. Why do you so easily get triggered and accuse others of being a "Pro-US shill"?

Look, I completely support your position. Nothing is wrong with this stance by China. The problem is your brazen tirade against Russia which Benefits no one but the Westoids. Think about it.

You are arguing against a strawman. One can acknowledge Russia's deficiencies and still maintain a strong alignment. The world is not black-white extreme as you demand it to be.

I sincerely hope that you are not taking my response personally. But I strongly disagree with your likelihood to support the Westoids if given the choice between them and Russia.
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