Ukrainian War Developments

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If international law and principles do not matter, then why is China neutral at UNSC and doesn't openly support Russia?
International law has been written by the nations that were powerful after the second world war and it is intended to keep those nations powerful, for example by keeping middle powers like Britain and France in the UNSC. China shouldn't openly support Russia because it's not in China's interest to suffer the consequences for Russia's actions.

What is in China's interest is to secretly give Russia enough support that it can continue its conflict with the EU so that the relations between western Europe and Russia become poisoned for decades. At the same time, China can demonstrate to the EU and US that they were foolish in making China their enemy, which might induce the west to repair their relations with China. It's a win win for China. China can win both from Russia and the west. There's no need to pick a side.


Registered Member
International law has been written by the nations that were powerful after the second world war and it is intended to keep those nations powerful, for example by keeping middle powers like Britain and France in the UNSC. China shouldn't openly support Russia because it's not in China's interest to suffer the consequences for Russia's actions.

What is in China's interest is to secretly give Russia enough support that it can continue its conflict with the EU so that the relations between western Europe and Russia become poisoned for decades. At the same time, China can demonstrate to the EU and US that they were foolish in making China their enemy, which might induce the west to repair their relations with China. It's a win win for China. China can win both from Russia and the west. There's no need to pick a side.
What open support expected from China ?

What should be the gain by standing out and saying "Russia is right or wrong"?

The support that Russia needs is safe supply of electronics components, market, military cooperation, sharing of electronics and human sourced informations, probably sharing the military keys for GLONASS and BAIDU.

All of the above needs to be done in secret.


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How much of the Ukrainian forces at the front are Anglo american mercenaries (Blackwater Xe/eric prince's Brave Companions) or NeoNazis like Azov?
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