Ukrainian War Developments

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Moderator - World Affairs
Claiming Russian actions illegal making all USA actions illegal.
That's my point. Both US and Russian actions are illegal. But we can support one weaker imperialist (Russia) against a stronger imperialist (USA), recognizing both are imperialists, but one is stronger and one is weaker, so we align with the weaker one for realpolitik purposes. Don't pretend that only US can do imperialism but Russia cannot.
Either You accept Russia action legal OR you accept the USA did countless illegal things.
That's my point. Both US and Russia actions are illegal. Both are imperialistic powers, but we can support a weaker imperialist (Russia) against a stronger imperialist (USA) as part of realpolitik, but so long as we recognize both are still imperialist white powers.
You're still focused on the wrong thing. You're focused on morals and what's right and wrong in an objective sense, but your enemy isn't.
Then why is China neutral at UNSC? Can you explain why morals, principles, and international law does not matter, but China's actions at UNSC suggests opposite - China is neutral at UNSC and does not openly support Russia's brazen actions.
China's enemies aren't. China's and Russia's enemies are focused on making up justifications and slander to invigorate their own populations to support thier national agenda no matter what China/Russia does. If China planted trees, it's killing a desert. If China cured cancer, it's committing genocide against innocent cancer cells, which are just life like everything else. If China stopped COVID, it's a human rights violation; if China let COVID spread, it's incompetence. See a building in Xinjiang? Let's just say that's a forced labor camp and get the same person to say she was sterilized in one article and forced to have Han babies in another. And you're still here talking about what's right or wrong. These don't exist. What benefits China/Russia is right. What benefits the West is wrong. It can be the same action, but it's right when we do it, wrong when they do it; fight fire with fire. That's all we should be concerned about. Our side must win against their side, no matter what. Whatever they do is wrong and even if we do something clearly wrong, it's right because we were forced to do it to combat their greater evil. That's all there is to it.
Then why is China neutral at UNSC? Can you explain why morals and principles does not matter, but China's actions at UNSC suggests opposite - China is neutral at UNSC and does not openly support Russia's brazen actions. If US imperialism is an existential threat to China, then why doesn't China openly support Russia's brazen actions to fight against US? Oh yea, because "non-interference in internal affairs" principle still matters. This is my point.


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Moderator - World Affairs
So you admit to supporting Westoid narrative.
No, I admit to supporting an Anti-Imperialism narrative (whether American or Russian).

So only US can do imperialism, but Russia is not capable of imperialism? What is with the double-standards?
Again, Russia is China's ally.
Russia-China are strongly aligned, not allies. There is no formal treaty alliance between Russia and China, so I don't need to blindly support every single Russian action like a blind bot.
nothing wrong with supporting a friend.
There is nothing wrong to support a friend economically, but China should never openly support Russia's actions and stay neutral at UNSC. It's too obvious brazen actions.
If NATO wins over Russia, China is next in line.
China is already targeted by the West. This is why I support strong alignment with Russia against NATO/West. Doesn't stop me from correctly pointing out legitimate criticism of Russian actions. If you don't like it, it just means you are insecure and easily triggered and overly sensitive.
You think the West cares if China takes a neutral stance in this conflict? No.
I never cared what West thought of China's neutral stance. China's neutral stance is aimed at the 3rd world (Africa, Southeast Asia, Middle East, etc...), not towards West.
The Westoids will not stop in their pursuit to dismember China.
True, the West hates China. Okay, you can still be strongly aligned with Russia, but stay neutral in UNSC. I do not support a formal treaty alliance with Russia because it will pull China into Russia's adventurisms in Eastern Europe and Middle East that do not directly benefit China.
Too bad you couldn't accept that reality.
My reality is perfectly reasonable: "China should support a weaker imperialist (Russia) against a stronger imperialist (USA)." You are overly sensitive of any legitimate criticism of RUssia, which speaks more about your insecurity, than my "pro-US imperialism" status.

One Puppet is more compliant than the other. My point still stands.
KMT-ROC was a bigger US puppet than Yelstin's Russia because KMT-ROC was utterly dependent on US aid and donations during WW2. So no, your point is moot. KMT-ROC still didn't recognize Tibetan independence despite being a pro-US puppet.

The Russian leadership at that time is a Westoid Puppet.
So everytime someone disagrees with you, you accuse them of being a "Westoid Puppet". Got it.
This is not even a subject of debate.
Is there proof that Yelstin or Gorbachev was a "Westeroid Puppet" for recognizing Ukrainian independence in 1989? It's too easy to simply accuse others of being a "Westoid Puppet" without any evidence.
But I bet you will argue that the policies implemented by Russia at that time is for the benefit and interest of their country. lol.
The collapse of Soviet Union and recognition of Ukrainian independence is illegitimate because it was all done by "Westeroid puppets"? Do you have evidence that Yelstin/Gorbachev was a Western puppet?
Again, you are parroting Westoid anti Russian narratives.
This is a "False Dilemma" fallacy:

You present a false dilemma option:
1. Anti-Russian narrative
2. Anti-US narrative

But you ignore a third choice:

3. Anti-Imperialism narrative (both US and Russia)
Its just normal for people to disagree with policies that puppet regimes impose which are detrimental to their country's interest.
But it's so convenient that anyone you disagree with, they are "US Puppets", whether it's Yeltsin/Gorbachev, Ukraine, or even myself. It fundamentally is low-effort propaganda effort.
Are you arguing that the policies and decisions made by the Russian leadership before Putin is beneficial to the interests of Russia?
So by default, policies and decisions made by weak people you disagree with is "Westeroid puppets" because you disagree with them? There is no good faith argument from you. I can easily accuse anyone of being a "Westeroid puppet" and automatically dismiss their argument.
They are a puppet regime because they did exactly what the West wants.
Anyone who disagrees with you is automatically a "Puppet" without any evidence. Good to know.
So Yes. they are service Westoid interests, not their own. What do you call them? Patriots?
Why does everything have to be black-white with you? This situation is incredibly nuanced and complex, but you simply distill it down to: "Puppet vs. Non-Puppets" world view which is incredibly low-effort propaganda.
Your tirade against Russia is full of subjective one sided arguments
Ironic, you call Yelstin/Gorbachev as "Westoid puppets", then proceed to call me pushing "Subjective" one-sided arguments. You don't see how ridiculous you sound.

And no, saying "Russian troops crossing and annexing Ukraine is clearly violation of international law" is perfectly objective, not subjective at all. The fact that you have difficulty acknowledging basic reality speaks volumes.
This stems from your obvious hatred towards Russia
Yes, I obviously hate white imperialism, whether Russian or American.
and you are willing to degrade yourself
I feel like calling out Russian propaganda from yourself to be extremely fulfilling actually.
into a useful tool for the Westoids by regurgitating their same propaganda.
And you don't regurgitate Russian propaganda?
You are talking about yourself. Your hatred towards Russia shows you are willing to support Westoid aggression even if it is to the detriment of China's interests.
This is a False Dilemma Fallacy:

You present a false choice:

1. You must support Russia aggression
2. Otherwise, you will support US aggression.

What about a third choice:

3. Support nobody's aggression. (e.g., Neutrality)
So you base your behavior to the argument that China doesn't openly support Russia, fair enough.
Yes, fair enough, glad we can agree.
You say Neutrality is the correct policy, nothing wrong with that.
Yes, fair enough, glad we can agree.
But is your rabid show of hostility towards Russia qualify as neutral behavior to you?
Yes, because I regularly (see my 16 years posting history) of hostility towards American imperialism, so I consider myself pretty neutral.

Is your support for Westoid narrative against Russia not taking sides?
If you look at my posting history (16 years on SDF), I am clearly anti-NATO expansionism and anti-US imperialism.

It seems you do not live by your stated beliefs.
Why don't you go through my 16 years of posts on SDF and look for yourself, instead of assuming I am a "Pro-US shill" because your incapability to elaborate why Russian actions is not imperialism, because it obviously is.
Perhaps you mean you enjoy parroting Westoid propaganda and thus advancing Westpod interests.
You mean I am fighting against imperialist propaganda (whether Russia or American). Look at my post history.
Again, what is wrong with supporting a Chinese ally like Russia?
I support China to be neutral at UNSC, but economically support Russia. Why not openly support? It's too brazen and obviously violation of international law.
A Russian victory in Eastern Europe will keep the Westoids preoccupied while China continues to expand its influence and safeguard its interests.
I agree 100%.
You on the other hand want to slap Russia in the face to defend Ukraine who just double crossed China in order to please its Westoid masters.
I am saying China should stay neutral in UNSC and not openly support Russia. Why do you so easily get triggered and accuse others of being a "Pro-US shill"?
Im not Russian, your hostility to Russia is serving Westpoid propaganda.
Good thing I regularly post anti-Western posts to balance it out. Go see my posting history.
Do you like serving as the mouthpiece for Westoids who wants to dismember China?
Why don't you go through my 16 years posting history on SDF and see how many anti-US imperialism posts I have made?
Yeah, the West will show their thanks to China by overthrowing its government and dismembering China into tiny stateless.
You are arguing against a strawman. One can acknowledge Russia's deficiencies and still maintain a strong alignment. The world is not black-white extreme as you demand it to be.


Registered Member
Reportedly SMS messages are being sent to phones in the Donbass region by Russian forces with demoralizing messages targeted at any Ukrainian service members in the area. I’ve only seen this reported in one place so I’m unsure of the validity this information.
if true, its no different than the leaflets the US dropped prior to invading country X
I guess Russia has come a long way since the days of those StingRay devices the FBI loves to use to fake cell towers etc
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