Ukrainian War Developments

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United States carved Korea into two separate states with Soviet Union (Two White imperialist powers) after 1945 Japanese defeat.

Lol, you make it sound as if they both somehow agreed too partition Korea and not that the Koreans decided to go communist out of their own volition just to have MacArthur invade the South and put a puppet regime made out of fascist Japanese collaborators, while also killing 20% of the North's population and mass murdering political dissidents in the South.

And last time I checked, CPC participated in that war too. Does that mean they are complicit of the USSR's "white imperialism"?.

Heck, the Soviet Union proposed the unification of Germany from the start under the conditions of complete disarmament, denazification and neutrality. Guess who refused while filling the West German government and NATO with former Nazis?

Meanwhile, Austria who got equally partitioned, got unified in 1955 because it was less strategically important and the Anglos didn't care about it.


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The breakaway of Donbass republics and their recognition remind me of Kosovo's breakaway from Serbia and recognition by the west. Russia's military activity in Donbass and deployment today is the same as NATO bombing of Serbia and later present in Kosovo.

A Chinese saying is "你做初一,别怪我做十五", if you break it first, do not expect me to hold it. Fair and square. Everything else is just BS.

james smith esq

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Finally, someone has the guts to mention the Zionist Apartheid double-standard, perfectly exemplifying what many here are saying, i. e, the US/Anglo/Zionist bloc can do anything it wants because they are the “chosen ones”!

Russian envoy at UNSC says Moscow does not recognize Israeli sovereignty on Golan Heights.

If I’m not mistaken, Israel is, and has been, for decades, in violation of more UNSC resolutions than any other nation!

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Also if the problem is the annexation of territory contravening "international law", what do we make of the fact that Israel keeps annexing Palestinian lands while basically bulldozing palestinian houses and they get consistently defended in the UN by "rule of law" Europe and the US?.

It's all bullshit in order to keep pushing the Pax Americana.
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