Ukrainian War Developments

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Russian already have T-14 unmanned version in development.

Not sure about the progress though. They can't even manage to get T-14, T-90M in the field.
I think they opted for attrition of near replacement T-72 ... why wasting T-90M in ambush against ATGM ? Not a lot of real MBT vs MBT battle... The time for that type of combat look outdated, the MBT model need improvements. The Merkava 4 look interesting with the capacity to bring some infantry and having a mortar.

Jingle Bells

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I don't know what your point is. You have no idea what China has even offered to other countries for export. More importantly, each sovereign nation has the right to make their own decisions on what they need. The fact that Serbia hasn't ruled China out after geopolitical pressure should tell you that they already have a more independent foreign policy than most nations out there. I have no idea why you are still giving them a hard time.
Dude, I was just ranting. How can I, a no-body posting on a military forum, give any country "a hard time"?
Besides, I already said that I don't have problem with Serbia or Russia. You should read my post more carefully to get what I meant to say.

Not every nation needs to buy from China. China is a new player in the higher end military market. New players typically have to do more to secure contracts.
I won't care less about what they buy from.
I am actually talking about countries who specifically came to China to negotiate for a purchase, try to get a killer deal, but ended up breaking the deal and went for some worse performing and even less cost-effective alternative, AND get their ass kicked soon after in a real conflict.

Why would you want China to be chained to Russia? Of course Russia should have bought Chinese hardware before this war, but they did not. Even so, they are about as closely aligned with China as you can get.

Selling military hardware is not the end goal. The end goal is to pull as many countries to your side (or at least neutral) as possible. Selling military hardware is just one way to achieve that, but there are many other ways.

As I said, do not rule any country out because of their geography or past decision. If you rule countries out because of their past decisions, then you will have very few friends in this world.
Dude, when did I say I want to see that happen? I just saying that is how I would calculate, if I am in Russia's shoes. For sure, I am far from even a apprentice statesman, I don't know the intricate politics or technicalities in upper level Russian government. Maybe my perspectives were totally wrong. That's totally possible.
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Bill Blazo

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You greatly exaggerate the impact of their casualties on either Russia or China to compete with American hegemony. It is true that After suffering these casualties, neither were imposition to challenge the US. But position would’ve been even weaker without those casualties. The war that inflicted that casualty actually strengthen both in their relative positions in the world.
This will be my last reply on this particular subject, not because I don't want to continue, but just because I don't want to get banned or disciplined from straying too far from the topic of the thread.

The recent consensus among historians is that the Soviet Union lost over 25 million people in World War II, almost 15% of its population. These enormous losses were one of the critical background factors for the fall of the Soviet Union four and a half decades later, because they sapped so much of its economic potential. The fall of the French, British, and Soviet empires should be understood as a coherent arc of post-war imperial collapse, brought on by sheer economic exhaustion from the most destructive war in human history by far (almost 80 million people died from World War II if you include those who died from famines and diseases caused by the war). Yes of course there's Gorbachev and his mess, rising nationalism that couldn't be contained by the official communist ideology, Brezhnev idiotically deciding to spend almost 20% of Soviet GDP on the military, and numerous other factors. All of these contributed to the ultimate collapse, but only because they operated in the context of a vastly weakened Soviet empire. By contrast, the 15 million Chinese that died represented less than 3% of the country's population. The hit to China in relative terms was much smaller, although the absolute number are still jarring.


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Moderator - World Affairs
I agree with your overarching points....but....
Thing is there has been polls done that if the elections were held today Trump would win.
2024 is almost two years away. Polling matchups this early are meaningless, they just suggest people's frustration of today's situation which reflects the weakness of Biden regime than the inherent Trump strengths. There is also plenty of time for Biden regime to dig up incriminating dirt on Trump's tax fraud, corruption, and instigating insurrection which will further disqualify him among independents.
There is no more any establishment Republicans. They all bowed to Trump.
Yea, the leader of the Republican party, Mitch McConnell famously came out and said Jan 6th was a 'violent insurrection' which he provoked in a clean break with Trump, so he probably prefers DeSantis or Pence or even Ted Cruz over Trump. A civil war is brewing in the Republican party.
No one in the left wing base is excited to vote for Biden again or vote for Kamala Harris in 2024.
As a lefty social democrat, I was motivated to vote for Biden not because he is good or mediocre, but because he was 'not Trump'. The 2020 election was a referendum on Trump vs. Not Trump, we all knew Biden will be a disappointment, but it was the lesser of two evils. I wouldn't underestimate the power of hating Trump amongst lefties. You are right, Kamala sucks, Pete Buttigirg sucks, Democrats have noone except Biden, which also suck. lol
Democrats better hope a recession doesn’t happens next year or 2024 because it will be massacre.
China should drive a hard bargain on Tariff relief, both will help stimulate US economic growth and relieve US inflationary pressure. I'm sure after Democrats midterm slaughter, Biden will prioritize economic growth and reigning inflation, which must include further tariff reductions and an end to the disastrous trade war.
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china making 60% of the world’s steel is not a problem for the US. China making 60% of the world’s chips would be. For china setting such a goal blatantly and publically was a gross misstep born of overconfidence and lack of real diplomatic sophistication, China committed the cardinal sin of announcing its intent while its opponents could still do much to stop her.

the current chinese administration’s egoism and brutish lack of diplomatic sophistication would have been an embarrassment to Deng Xiaoping and the two administrations that followed him.
Yes, because American elites are complete idiots and couldn't see what's coming even if looked like an A380 coming right at them.
actually, the case is stronger now then anytime since the end of the cold war. This is the first time since the fall of soviet union that there is consensus at all levels of the US that there is serious viable and persistent challenge to the system which the US put in place to facilitate its hegemonic power.

Nothing focuses physical and mental energy, as well as ruthlessness, as effectively as genuine fear of the loss of the basis of accustomed privileges and prerogatives.

If the US establishment genuinely believe trump will pull US out of NATO and trump could be president, then he is a dead man.

but trump is not in it for anyone but trump, and being dead or being in jail is awfully inconvenient for being trump. So even if trump does become president, he will know this is a place he can not go again.
It's funny that your previous message assumed Americans are completely blind, yet now you are assuming their mind is purely rational. Let's be honest, almost all Republican voters vote for Trump, and Trump only. Republicans don't have any alternative candidate, and if they split with Trump, it's the end of their party. Worse of all, Democrats would win unopposed - and in their view, that's far worse then them losing.
And yes, even a half-dead Biden with high inflation and mediocre growth can beat a Trump again.
Is that with or without the votes of the dead? (again?)
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