Ukrainian War Developments

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is this upcoming massive assault on Donbass going to be a reverse Kursk 1943, where an all out offensive against a well prepared and well established defensive line? I really wonder if Russia is going to be bringing any new capabilities to bear to gain a decisive advantage...use of overwhelming firepower WITH the assistance of advanced reconnaissance drones and tech...otherwise it is going to be a bloodbath

There are more questions than answers.

How much and how well either side performs we are going to have to wait and see. Have Russian logistics been sorted out? Are the reports the Russian brigades and regiments are completely in disarray true? Even remotely? Have the Ukrainians been able to reinforce? How much of the assistance will have made it to the east? Is General Mud still in the field when the Russians launch their assault? How long will the assault be delayed before launched? Will the Ukrainians continue to have raids behind the lines? etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum, spew.

My gut feeling is this will be a bloodbath. Ukrainian morale is extremely high. They are beyond enraged and it is not fading. In fact, since General Sherman has been a favorite to quote elsewhere in the thread:

[T]hose who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out.

Part of the 'war is hell' passage and completely fits what the Ukrainians are feeling.


Registered Member
No, of course not. But at this point the chance of trump getting re-elected seems slim.

There are chances that the Democrats will get wiped during the midterms, as they have renegged on pretty much every electoral promise they made except Afghanistan.

And a Republican midterm victory means a likely Trump victory, specially as economic conditions worsen partially because of sanctions and the existing inflationary trend.

Which will mean a massive loss for NATO

Jingle Bells

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This is a problem I see too often on this forum. People are way too quick here to put labels on other countries because of their geography and certain decisions that appear to be us friendly.

Every country that china can win over with investment, military hardware and high end technology is a good thing for China. Don't assume that you can't be friends with another nation thatay have made a decision that you don't like. As china becomes more advanced militarily and technologically, it will be able to offer other countries more to empower them to make independent decisions or side with china. Don't write anyone off because of certain decisions they made in the past. Times change and circumstances change.

Frankly, china may not even feel comfortable exporting j10c to an European country right now. But in the future, it will be able to help other countries develop their ai industry, their semiconductor industry and renewable industry and supply advanced military hardware that traditional western powers aren't willing to offer. Why would anyone on this forum oppose that?
I don't have a problem with ALL countries who are fence riders when it comes to China? I have a problem with countries like Russia, Serbia, etc., which are themselves in dire situations. They can't afford to ride on that fence! They ditch J10C for old Mig29 this year, and the next year they go into a bloody war which they can't recover for decades. They are already in dire situations, and instead of trusting China, they hang on to old Russian junks (because of their prejudice) that will surely lead to their upcoming demise.

If Armenia has a fleet of Chinese military drones, do you think they will get their ass kicked by Azerbaijan?

Heck, even Russia right now is on the brink of getting their ass kicked across the galaxy! If they just lowered their noble white head just a little bit and sort China's military technology only just 2 years ago, they would at least be able to integrate Chinese targeting pods to their Sukhois and Migs with an ocean of cheap Beidou/INS guided 250kg class PGM's, and get a huge fleet of cheap attack drones that could have won the war already. At least before the war starts (make an order in 2019, deliver in 2020/2021, and get battle ready just before this war), they could get a couple of 075 LHD and/or 071 LPD, and/or 052D, which would have help to take Odessa in the first wave of attack already. I am pretty sure China would be happy to sell the platform to Russia integrated with Russia missiles systems

At least doing this would be able to chain China to Russia's bandwagon, giving the West an excuse to pressure China, and forces China to react aggressively to those pressures. Right now, China has the luxury of basically distancing herself from this conflict and watching from afar.


Registered Member
There are more questions than answers.

How much and how well either side performs we are going to have to wait and see. Have Russian logistics been sorted out? Are the reports the Russian brigades and regiments are completely in disarray true? Even remotely? Have the Ukrainians been able to reinforce? How much of the assistance will have made it to the east? Is General Mud still in the field when the Russians launch their assault? How long will the assault be delayed before launched? Will the Ukrainians continue to have raids behind the lines? etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum, spew.

My gut feeling is this will be a bloodbath. Ukrainian morale is extremely high. They are beyond enraged and it is not fading. In fact, since General Sherman has been a favorite to quote elsewhere in the thread:

Part of the 'war is hell' passage and completely fits what the Ukrainians are feeling.
Mud works both ways. It'll slow the Russian advance, but it'll make a Ukrainian retreat even harder. If anything it'll be much worse for the Ukrainians because of the disparity in the air. Any trapped armour will be free kills for RuAF.

Reinforcing Ukrainian front lines would be suicide IMO, it would be better to keep what reserves you have and be prepared to form a new defensive line closer to supply lines.

Russian sources are claiming all Ukrainian reserves have already been deployed.


Registered Member
I don't have a problem with ALL countries who are fence riders when it comes to China? I have a problem with countries like Russia, Serbia, etc., which are themselves in dire situations. They can't afford to ride on that fence! They ditch J10C for old Mig29 this year, and the next year they go into a bloody war which they can't recover for decades. They are already in dire situations, and instead of trusting China, they hang on to old Russian junks (because of their prejudice) that will surely lead to their upcoming demise.

If Armenia has a fleet of Chinese military drones, do you think they will get their ass kicked by Azerbaijan?

Heck, even Russia right now is on the brink of getting their ass kicked across the galaxy! If they just lowered their noble white head just a little bit and sort China's military technology only just 2 years ago, they would at least be able to integrate Chinese targeting pods to their Sukhois and Migs with an ocean of cheap Beidou/INS guided 250kg class PGM's, and get a huge fleet of cheap attack drones that could have won the war already. At least before the war starts (make an order in 2019, deliver in 2020/2021, and get battle ready just before this war), they could get a couple of 075 LHD and/or 071 LPD, and/or 052D, which would have help to take Odessa in the first wave of attack already. I am pretty sure China would be happy to sell the platform to Russia integrated with Russia missiles systems

At least doing this would be able to chain China to Russia's bandwagon, giving the West an excuse to pressure China, and forces China to react aggressively to those pressures. Right now, China has the luxury of basically distancing herself from this conflict and watching from afar.

They have targeting pod and it is already export certified. it is rumored that Su-34 and Su-57 has internal system. there is new Su-34M that has more advanced system. I am not sure how many drone strike sorties they are generating but fighters are on avg 300 with massive use of choppers in addition.


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If Armenia has a fleet of Chinese military drones, do you think they will get their ass kicked by Azerbaijan?
There are three main reasons why Armenia lost to Azerbaijan:

1) They ended in situation where Russia have better relationship with Azerbaijan(good job from Azerbaijan president). Due to Pashinyan US supported populist push alienating Russia.
2) Azerbaijan is simply rich in gas and oil. It can afford to buy enough arms(from Russia too). Without Russia help, it is a one-sided fight. We had stopped getting TB2 vids from Ukrainian side quite fast in the conflict, so with proper AD you can counter it.
3) Azerbaijan did prepared for war, Armenia was delusional about real situation development due to results of previous wars.

As for air support. US intelligence report 200-300 sorties conducted by Russia daily in Ukraine.


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German armaments manufacturer Krauss-Maffei Wegmann has offered the Ukrainian government the sale of 100 Panzerhaubitze PzH 2000 155mm tracked self-propelled howitzers. The German government has also offered the sale of Boxer 8x8 armored fighting vehicles to the Ukrainian government.

The deal is estimated to be worth €1.7 billion euros [$1,849,005,000.00 USD].
Where are the people screaming "DEBT TRAP!!!!" It's obvious that Ukraine will never be able to pay this back.


Registered Member
There are more questions than answers.

How much and how well either side performs we are going to have to wait and see. Have Russian logistics been sorted out? Are the reports the Russian brigades and regiments are completely in disarray true? Even remotely? Have the Ukrainians been able to reinforce? How much of the assistance will have made it to the east? Is General Mud still in the field when the Russians launch their assault? How long will the assault be delayed before launched? Will the Ukrainians continue to have raids behind the lines? etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum, spew.

My gut feeling is this will be a bloodbath. Ukrainian morale is extremely high. They are beyond enraged and it is not fading. In fact, since General Sherman has been a favorite to quote elsewhere in the thread:

Part of the 'war is hell' passage and completely fits what the Ukrainians are feeling.
Russia need to pour hell on Ukrainian army in the east, don't know if they have some stockpiles of their giant thermobaric bomb, but i don't know why they don't use a giant air campaign push to decimate the frontline. Do they have nothing to shot at outside cities ?

The mud is impeding movement outside roads and it's hard to move around urban area. Ukraine are using the Urban areas as choke points. If they want to destroy them by ground forces, they will have to wait for summer...

Jingle Bells

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I think you're setting some strange standards if your like or dislike of nations is dependent on their willingness to buy Chinese military equipment.

Viewing it objectively, for many Eastern European nations, it is only until recently that Chinese military exports were of a sufficient quality to be seen as desirable alternatives to Russian equipment, and that region is indeed the Russian MIC's traditional stomping ground.
Whether they buy Chinese arms is also not simply a matter of need, but of money. If they lack the money for it, then they simply may not be able to afford certain weapon types and categories, if China will not provide attractive prices (versus what might be available for say, a closer ally like Pakistan).
Additionally, China's ability to effectively market key weapons systems in those markets, compared to competitors, is also a major factor. That is something China can only praise or blame itself for.

Expecting those nations to be as receptive to Chinese arms as a nation like Pakistan, ignores all of the geopolitical and materially qualitative and financial factors involved.

Heck, there may even be some weapons categories that China may not be willing to sell to some Eastern European nations.

So I definitely do not think this idea of "if XYZ nation is a good friend then they should buy weapons". That's just not how the international arms trade works, and it isn't even how the geopolitical factor of how international arms trade works.
I don't have problem with large nation and relatively safe nations "not buying Chinese weapons". For example, Pakistan rejected a lot of Chinese equipment in the past, but their attitude and approach is pragmatic and workable. I respect that, I even thank them for providing valuable feedbacks and concrete criticisms.

What I do have a problem with is those nations who contemplate and play with Chinese export representatives, acting as if they are trying to get a good deal out of China, but always ends up choosing the other option that are actually worse.

This is especially true for small countries who are actually in a potentially dire situation in the foreseeable future. They already have a powerful enemy crouching at their door ready to pounce on them. They contemplate with China and even enter in negotiations, pretending to negotiate a even better deal. But eventually leave that perfectly good deal and ends up with a much worse deal.

They think they are smart, but they always end up buying the other country's overpriced junks, especially old legacy Russian junks. And then they get their ass kicked in the upcoming conflict, and won't recover for decades.

This is the kind of idiocy I see in a lot of white people country with their hidden "Aryan pride". They are NOT really the developed West, but they think they are white.

This reminds me of some white woman I encountered once in Shenzhen, I was shopping with my wife (who is a smart and thrifty woman) in these so-called "high-end bootleg" stores in Shekou. These store basically sells "bootlegged" luxury brand bags, purse, watches etc., that are of quality as good as real. This is because their merchandise are actually OEM products, over-produced for quality control purposes, which the company is supposed to "destroy" according to their policy. This white woman want to get a cheaper price, and once the store refuses, she start saying shits like "these are all fake, you Chinese people only produces fake shit". Of course, nobody give a shit about her. She end up paying for the exact same thing next door, at an even higher price than what the first store offers at first. This is the kind of bullshit fake-white-people attitude I am pissed off about.

"Fake-white-people" are people like her, who thinks that just because she is white, Chinese people will look up to her as if she is actually coming from a developed high-income Western country, with a higher per-capita-GDP than China. This is the type of attitude that destroys small countries. China actually wants to save and unite small countries (aka. the developing world). But China does NOT have the luxury of giving out free stuff and free money to everyone. We want to help you, we want to give you our latest exportable weapons and tech, but you will need an upright and honest businessmen with integrity and brain to receive it.
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