Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
NATO storming Ukraine would give a good excuse for the Kremlin to genocide West-Europeans, Australians and Americans. I love to imagine them totally wiped of the face of earth. The world would be much more tranquil after that. Alas, we would all be wiped of in the ensuing nuclear winter.
Hopefully it doesn’t come to nukes but really, if it does, may the ones that caused these unfortunate set of conflicts be the first to be eradicated. Honestly if we are all going to suffer for this, I pray that Russia directs most of their wrath at the yanks and Brandon because they seem to love starting conflicts while thinking they are invincible. At least before I leave this world, I can at least see Brandon cry like a little b-/ch first

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Well, if Russia ceases sending gas/oil to it's largest customer, then there goes 45% of Russian federal budget revenue which comes from oil/gas. Russia will be hurt too, far more than any sanctions to date.

West has poured and poured weapons into Ukraine

to the extent that every citizen can be classed as a combatant

the C17 flights landing at Poland is unbelievable

why Russia is allowing weapons to get into Ukraine and then fighting

they should just secure the western border

Richard Santos

Registered Member
a higher % than Russian ? I doubt that
By 1944, far higher. During the war the US through lend lease supplied the Soviet Union with several times more motorized military vehicles than Germany and occupied Europe was able to produce all together. German army actually de-mechanized because production of motor vehicles could not keep pace with attrition, so reliance on horses actually went up as the war progressed, while Soviet front line units became almost completely motorized on the backs of american supplied vehicles. A major reason why the German army suffered such huge losses from middle of 1944 to the end of the war is when in the field without nearby rail heads, the bulk of the German army literally could not withdraw faster than the Soviets could advance.
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The Capitalist
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I suspect it is more pussyfooting by the Russians. They know many Nazis are in the industrial complexes, why aren't they raining down FAB-3000s on them 24/7?
If there really are actual NATO officers in Mariupol, then I can understand why the Russians would want to take them alive.
It would be a really big deal, both Internationally and at more specifically at home, so that they could tell the Russian people that they really are fighting against NATO expansion by stealth in the Donbas.


Registered Member
If there really are actual NATO officers in Mariupol, then I can understand why the Russians would want to take them alive.
It would be a really big deal, both Internationally and at more specifically at home, so that they could tell the Russian people that they really are fighting against NATO expansion by stealth in the Donbas.
If they are there, they need to get these shrimps and show them on a parade. Could even see Tochka flying from Ukraine side to stop the capture. If they have them, I don't know if support from NATO will wither or not. Lots of europeans will be pissed off for sure with the economical strain caused by the conflict and lying of their leadership.


Registered Member
If there really are actual NATO officers in Mariupol, then I can understand why the Russians would want to take them alive.
It would be a really big deal, both Internationally and at more specifically at home, so that they could tell the Russian people that they really are fighting against NATO expansion by stealth in the Donbas.
America and the UK operate a policy of deniability for their special forces. They go in knowing if they are caught, they will be disowned by the government. That's what happened with the CIA operatives in Venezuela during the failed coup. If they get caught NATO will just claim they are foreign mercenaries.

I don't think they want to be taken alive, if they did they would have surrendered already. Treating this war like an anti-terror operation is going to cost Russia more lives.


NATO storming Ukraine would give a good excuse for the Kremlin to genocide West-Europeans, Australians and Americans. I love to imagine them totally wiped of the face of earth.

Posts such as this that celebrate or advocate for the extermination of peoples or communities on the basis of nationality, ethnicity, religion, etc. are disgusting and should not be tolerated in a civilised discussion forum.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
Posts such as this that celebrate or advocate for the extermination of peoples or communities on the basis of nationality, ethnicity, religion, etc. are disgusting and should not be tolerated in a civilised discussion forum.

To advocate such policies when their nukes outnumber your 20 to 1, says not only is there a total absence of minimal human morals in what passes for brains, but also a total absence of wits needed for Darwinian survival as well.


Junior Member
Registered Member
??? I don't understand.

Please, explain. I've had a rough week and worked about 70 hours in 5 days. I needed to do some stuff today, but feel exhausted. My brain is mildly tapioca. That I am coherent at all seems to be a minor miracle to me.
(1) I was agreeing and disagreeing at the same time, jokingly. Any public forum I have been on evolves like that. The site wants more participants. Participants want quality. Ther are oxthemoron. It is like a large family reunion. And it is truth of life: we get what we are asking for. Nothing wrong, just the way it is. And trying to be funny at the same time. See, I am getting bipolar now???

Perhaps. That's the best interpretation. It could also be goal post moving (worst interpretation).
If Putin thought he could have a flash strike and win, I would have natively thought of him as a master of politics. This is a have-to last-act strategic move in his career as well as his life. Russia simply does not have wherewithal to win a flash war in Ukraine. And NATO won't allow him. Under the circumstances, Putin is practicing Mao's protracted war strategy, with difference being that in a neighboring country. But in essence, he is in his home court vis-a-vis NATO. His aim can only be (a) occupy the east and (2) bleed NATO to its knee. That is winning because this is the beginning of the end of western civilization as we knew it, which is his ultimate goal.

Explain, please?

To me the war is very self defeating for the Russians. There was no way Ukraine was joining NATO. It probably will not now unless Ukraine goes on to have miracles of god for its campaigns and takes all of the Donbas and Crimea. Now, however, it seems semi likely Finland will and Sweden may join NATO. The sanctions by the west are not going to go away soon, even if the war ends. China is only willing to help as far as it help china, not out of the goodness of Xi's heart.
Certainly this phase has exposed weakness of Russian armed forces. But Putin knows that. It is a war of attrition by design. Outside the west, Putin is winning the public opinions by days. People see he is stubbornly reluctant to inflict civilian casualties and to destroy for the sake of destroying. Remember we were all batching about Soviet pfoducts? Clumsy and unnecessarily heavy and bulky, but functioning. It is genetically Russian style.

Not taking your post as trolling at all.

I use the numbers to separate different thoughts. Otherwise, it seems to blend together, especially when I am tired.

I am flattered someone else found it useful.
I was just trying to be funny in a weekend evening

Russia's war only make sense if you can rapidly gain capitulation at minimal economic costs. In contrast, a 'forever war' + 10-15 years of lost economic growth is too costly for the original demands.
See my answer above.

Putin has more resources and capabilities and international conditions to do what Mao did between 1959 and 1976 in China. Russia is secure. Russia can be self-sufficient, with China at its back, literally. Three years and EU is done. Five years and the west is east. Putin is practicing: if I cannot join them, beat them. He cannot trample over the west, but he certainly can drag them down. Relatively speaking, Russia would have won a great deal if he could see even half of that result.
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