Ukrainian War Developments

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One side thinks that China isn't supporting Russia, and another thinks China is backing Russia which is why China must be punished. Imagine if China is going to do military reunification in Taiwan in the future, the amount of propaganda angles and hot takes is going to be nauseating and I might just close my internet until the operation is over.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
There is actually only one challenge: money.

That is the self-defeating mentality of the crass nouveau riche.

Money can’t overcome corruption. It can;t encourage the speaking of truth to power. It can’t create a habit of intellectual honesty required to genuinely solve problems better than others can. It can’t open closed minds determined to not see things differently


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
These people totally lack comprehension. They cannot understand that China is against conflicts which lead to the fragmentation of states on principle. China knows fragmentation leads to conflict and misery. But one thing is having principles, and another is being blinded by your principles to the degree you cannot see the obvious, i.e. that the US/NATO was encircling Russia and precipitated an arms race. That the US keeps subverting the political structures of Russia's neighbors using their financial and political power against existing treaties. More to the point. That the US subverts media globally including with their $500 million USD fund (the public one at least) just to fund anti-China propaganda. That the US funded separatist movements in Xinjiang and Hong Kong recently, and several decades back in Tibet as well. That they actively try to ignite an India-China conflict. I could go on.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
They also appear to have lost an absurdly high proportion of field-grade officers and above in this war. Rumours that they are stripping academies of instructors to fill the gaps.
It is not hard to understand why. Because there is no long serving corp of NCOs, Russian conscript is are led by newly minted lieutenants fresh out of military schools whose experience is barely more than those of their charge. To fix all the jams in the operation of battalions caused by company, platoon and squad commanders don’t know what they are doing, majors and lieutenant colonels have to frequent the very formost of the front line, and colonels above them often have to relieve the burden of overworked lieutenant colonels by coming down hime]self. This goes all the way up the rank. The entire Russian officer corp effectively shifted down 2-3 steps in rank in terms of their need to be exposed to the front compared to say, a typical NATO army.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
"Newly minted". It is like the Russians haven't been in the Chechen Wars, the Georgian War, or in Syria. Do you think those over 400,000 professional troops are all green recruits? A lot of it is demographics. If you are 20 years old, you were born in 2002. And Russia's baby boom population after Putin came into power is only coming into active service right now. So the pool of people possible to use for combat duty will increase instead of shrinking. At least for the next 7 years. Those young guys in service right now are basically the product of the lean years when there was a population crash in Russia when Yeltsin was in power. The Russian government tried to purge the officer cadres of anyone not fit for duty. They have done this for like 14 years at least. Those too old, or too out of shape, they were fired. They also started a massive expansion of active duty personnel and combat troops like 4-5 years ago. Some of the troops might lack combat experience in this kind of situation. But then again who else can you find that fought a conventional war on this scale in the last decade? No amount of drilling or special operations in Syria can prepare you for this.
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Tu22M3 loading FAB-3000(s) in preparation for strategic bombing operations in Mariupol; reportedly targeting the Azovstal iron and steel production plant, one of the largest production plants in Europe.

FAB-3000 is a 6000lb dumb bomb with a 3000lb explosive warhead; yielding a 50ft destruction radius and potential 850ft fragmentation radius; one of the largest dumb-bombs in the Russian Air-Force’s arsenal.
Wow that is fat bomb, to think the a nuke the same size could destroy an entire city while this just deliver 3 tons of explosive power. There has to be a middle road between Nukes and conventional explosives.


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Looks like the Russians may end the war unilaterally, which only happens if they pull out entirely. Theyve lost the war.

Utterly shocking and earth shattering historical development that no one would have expected.

Given that Putin is on record with saying that Ukraine may want Crimea back in the future and a territorial dispute there is unsustainable, they may give it back as well.


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Looks like the Russians may end the war unilaterally, which only happens if they pull out entirely. Theyve lost the war.

Utterly shocking and earth shattering historical development that no one would have expected.

Given that Putin is on record with saying that Ukraine may want Crimea back in the future and a territorial dispute there is unsustainable, they may give it back as well.
or they liquidate the Donbass pocket with the mass dumb bombs being loaded on Tu-22s right now, which would indeed end the conventional phase of the war.

if you actually read the article, he said that the conflict will end by Russia achieving its goals. which is consistent with mass dumb bombs being loaded up for carpet bombing.
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