Ukrainian War Developments

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Registered Member
This is caused by Russian weakness. And it is weakness. If they try but are unable to secure quick gains with overwhelming force then they are physically weak. But that's not too bad. Physical weakness can be overcome.

The worst fear is if they are able but unwilling. That would be mental weakness which is the most dangerous of all, because then that calls into question not just Russian strength but Russian resolve and makes their escalation threats hollow. That invites intervention.

A failed escalation is better than no escalation at all because at least they won't question Russian resolve.
So the Russians should have bombed everything in Ukraine with overwhelming force regardless of civilian causalities?
They should have stockpiled at least dozens of kilotons of thermobaric missiles and bombs to use in Ukraine?
A lot of civilian causalities would mean harsher sanctions.


Registered Member
So the Russians should have bombed everything in Ukraine with overwhelming force regardless of civilian causalities and even before the war they should have stockpiled at least dozens of kilotons of thermobaric missiles and bombs to use in Ukraine?
Also they should had cut off Ukraine's border with EU/NATO. But what do I know, glorious leader Putin decided to let leave that open

Sun Tzu would be proud of these tactics..

Richard Santos

Registered Member
Also they should had cut off Ukraine's border with EU/NATO. But what do I know, glorious leader Putin decided to let leave that open

Sun Tzu would be proud of these tactics..
Considering no where had the Russians managed to advance more than 150 Kms into Ukraine, and the Ukraine/NATO border is over 1000km long, how will Russia cut off Ukraine’s border with EU/NATO?

What does sun tzu say about armchair strategy that didn’t even proceed from a good map?


Registered Member
Also they should had cut off Ukraine's border with EU/NATO. But what do I know, glorious leader Putin decided to let leave that open

Sun Tzu would be proud of these tactics..
The Western Ukrainian border is huge, different from Taiwan that is smaller and easer to block, Ukraine border is more than a challenge to block, the Russians would have to need a big fleet of drones with high endurance to achieve that.
I think is way easier to destroy everything that could be used to hide weapons, bases, buildings, factories, just flatten everything from day 0.


Registered Member
They are not hesitating in using their air force. The only thing not in there (yet) is the strategic bomber force.
when people use the world Airpower. what they mean is how the Mideastern Cities look like. here the whole fight is done with unguided rockes and machine guns at low altitude and even gunship ATGMs are used within visual range.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
Given Ukraine’s geography, the original Russian pincer movement from north and south along Deniper river and reservoir chain was the probably the best chance Russia had to cut off large parts of Ukraine from anything relatively quickly. A further pincer movement to the west will be increasingly longer more difficult to supply. Unfortunately Russia’s capability proved far short of what is required to meet up even along the deniper.

Basically, Russian army needed to have the capability to advance rapidly about 300-400km along two axis while both protecting the flanks of the advance and retaining major offensive capability at the tip of each advance to affect a rapid defeat of Ukraine that would not give up unless militarily defeated. Evidence seem to suggest Russian mobile formations runs out of both offensive strength at the tip and capacity for ensuring its own flank security at about 100-150km from staging point.

So Russian military’s actual mobile offensive capability is probably much less than 1/3 of was required to quickly overcome Ukrainian resistance if Ukraine was determined to fight.

Whatever the forthcoming military operation the Russians had in mind, we should probably also expect no further offensives that attempts to penetrate more than 50-100km into Ukraine held positions at a stretch, followed by extended pulse to move logistic bases forward and secure it against attack.

This makes me think securing a credible partial victory by victory day on may 8th is unlikely.
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