Ukrainian War Developments

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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
They are not hesitating in using their air force. The only thing not in there (yet) is the strategic bomber force.
Even then they did launch air launched cruise missiles with strategic bombers from Russian territory.
It does not make sense to send the bombers in naked until the S-300 and Buk air defenses Ukraine has get more degraded anyway.

People forget Ukraine had a larger army than most countries in NATO. Only the US and Turkey had more tanks for example.

Ukraine entered this conflict with over 2000 tanks. Take that into consideration next time you hear about NATO sending 50 early model T-72 tanks to Ukraine.


Junior Member
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An interesting and sceptical take from retired Col. Douglas Macgregor on the current situation in Ukraine.

He imagines a meeting of the general staff and Putin taking place in the Kremlin, where the discussion goes something like this: "How much longer do we put up with this? Do we utterly level the entire border with Poland, to make it clear that we would rather have a desert there than allow anything to come from Poland?" How close does that bring us to direct conflict with Russia, and how rapidly would that escalate to the nuclear level?

He revisits a historic episode from WW2 when the Russian troops surrounded a 50,000 strong German army in the vicinity of Minsk, Belarus. They destroyed the pocket with massed airpower of 5,000 aircraft, while the ground forces made sure no Germans broke out. Would Russia apply a similar tactic in southern Ukraine?

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The next
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is upon us. Nobody believes in the Russians as liberators anymore. The Russians act as occupiers and conquerors. And that definitely violates international law.

We'll see how the villages that are now being hit by hostilities fare.
You don't share analysis or data, but simply feelings and subjective views.

Have you ever meet/received data from first hand about Ukraine ?

Or at least from an Ukrainan ?

I have lot of friend with first hand infos, and the general attitude is :
-extreme level of corruption, everything deeply controlled by mobsters
-extreme level of poverty
-the society is broken, one of the first hand expereince is school children had pleasant suprise to not to be beaten in the first day of the school by drunken bullies.

Generally, the experience of everyone in Ukraine is like they doing a time travel as pass the border, or teleported to the third world.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
Soviet Union collapsed from mental weakness and lack of resolve, so its not a surprise to me whats happening now.
There is certainly some of that. But people who focus on there mostly have ulterior motive in deflecting attention away from a wide range of deep and structural failures intrinsic to the Soviet system that made the weakness and lack of resolve critical.

Mostly these ulterior motives come from the fact that they are trying to excuse another political system that has some of these same failings. That other political system also struggle with fixing these failings, and yet do not wish to be held to account for failing to fix them. So they want to create the narrative that they can just bull their way through without fixing these problems.
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